3 S.R. Johannes: Jill Myles kicks off The "Agent Holly Root" Contest!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jill Myles kicks off The "Agent Holly Root" Contest!

Jill Myles's new paranormal romance book GENTLEMEN PREFER SUCCUBI releases Jan 10, 2010.

I read the first chapter of GENTLEMEN online and can't wait to read the rest. Her book has adult romance, urban fantasy, vampires, angels, and... hm what else?....oh yeah....HOT GUYS! What else could a reader ask for?

The fabulous Gretchen McNeil has helped organize a month long blog tour that covers various topics about Jill's writing process, research, publication journey, books, and much more!

In addition to her month long blog tour, Jill is also giving away a super awesome fantastic prize if you stop by and comment at any of the blogs (1 entry per comment!). Her agent, the incredible Holly Root - will be giving away a free Query Critique. Jill will be announcing the winner on the last day of the blog tour - Wednesday, January 27th.

This contest is open to all writers - adult writers as well as children book writers - because Jill's awesome agent is Holly Root at Waxman Literary and literary agent to adult AND children's book writers.

Even though Jill is an adult writer, the topics covered pertain to any writer. So feel free to drop in on the topics that interest you. It will be a fun and informative month.


12/29 - Amy Bai introduces Jill Myles and her new book.

12/31 - Dorothy Windsor gets the scoop Jill's agent hunt.

1/4 - Jen Hayley picks Jill's brain on how to best get an agent.

1/5 - Kerri O'Connell finds out more about Jill's take on mythology and research.

1/6 - Stina Leicht steals some of Jill's knowledge on mythological creatures in urban fantasy.

1/7 - Sarah Eve Kelly looks deeper into Jill's historical research.

1/8 - Julianne Douglas gets advice on how writer's can deal with procrastination and self-discipline.

1/11 - Shana Silver interviews Jill about her writing process.

1/12 - Hilary Wagner finds out how Jill dealt with rejection and the scoop on working with an editor.

1/13 - Chandler Craig and Jill talk about handling common career mistakes.

1/14 - Realm LoveJoy does a fabulous illustration of Jill's character(s).

1/15 - Gretchen McNeil and Jill discuss originality in Urban Fantasy.

1/18 - Wendy Cebula gets some tips on writing effective love scenes.

1/19 - Ilene Wong and Jill discuss different ways to include "smexy" scenes in a book.

1/20 - Jen K. Blom finds out about the difference between what an author writes and what an author likes.

1/21 - Lisa and Laura dive into how to write for adults vs. writing for kids.

1/22 - Marissa Burt finds out more about Jill's inspirations to write.

1/25 - Corey Schwartz gets some insight into writing sequels.

1/26 - Shelli Johannes-Wells (that's me!) gets the scoop on marketing under a pseudonym.

1/27 - Jill Myles interviews her agent Holly Root and announces The Holly Root Contest Winner!


Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Oh, my! What a fabulous blog tour. I'm really interested in reading/following this journey. Thanks, Shelli.

Katie Anderson said...

Go Jill, Go! I can't wait to follow you around on tour!!

Margay Leah Justice said...

What a great line up of blogs and topics. I can't wait to read them all!

DL Hammons said...

Blog Tours?!? That is such an interesting concept. Is it something new or is it a often utilized marketing tool.

Excuse me as my ignorance shows. :)

Anonymous said...

This really is a great idea! A blog tour is online marketing and networking at its best.

Hilary Wagner said...

You did Jill proud, Shelli! Hope I do as well as you! :)

xoxo -- Hilary

Susan R. Mills said...

Sounds likd fun. I'll check some of the posts out. Thanks for sharing.

Daisy Whitney said...

Impressive tour schedule!

Hardygirl said...

Wow! This looks incredible.


kathrynjankowski said...

I'm looking forward to following Jill on her tour!

Lori W. said...

Lots of interesting topics lined up. I'll definitely check these out. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm likin' this merry go round already! Great networking tool for Jill as well as us...getting to bloggity blog with new people!

Larissa said...

How fun! Thanks for the info! :)

WendyCinNYC said...

Great post, Shelli! Very organized. Can't wait to host Jill on the 18th.

Addled Alchemist said...

Ooo, I'm liking this already. The topics look interesting and I get to check out some new (to me) blogs. :)

My Kindle is charging in anticipation of starting Jill's book. I have a feeling my daughter's basketball practice is going to just fly by this evening...

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you to you & Jill Myles & Holly Root for the great giveaway prize.
Thank you for the links too.
Here's to an excellent 2010!

Elana Johnson said...

What a cool blog tour!! Thanks for sharing all the links.

feywriter said...

Looks like quite the blog tour! I'm hoping that though my query is traditional fantasy, rather than urban, that I might still have a chance to win. Even if I don't, I look forward to all the posts by Jill. :-)

C.R. Evers said...

awwww, dang! I missed it. Looks like a fabulous blog tour! wowza! Congrats Patti!

booklover0226 said...

2010 is starting off with a bang!

Enjoy the ride.

Tracey D

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Very cool, Shelli and company!

Kimbra Kasch said...

I love a good vampire story and succubi all the better ;)

Christina Farley said...

This blog tour is a fabulous idea. Most of the books I read are from ones that have been blogged about.

Ash. Elizabeth said...

Thanks for sharing : ) and, I have an award for you on my blog, so come check it out.

Jennie Englund said...

Happy New Year!

I'm so excited to read the interview with Holly Root. Besides having an amazing name, she seems such a sharp, savvy, kind agent!

lisa and laura said...

Shelli - I've been so out of the loop lately! Great kick off post and love that you've posted all the stops on the blog tour! Nice work, lady.

Krysten Lindsay Hager said...

Looking forward to following the blog tour--I just found out what those were recently ;)

Anonymous said...

the whole blog tour is such a fabulous idea!!!! thanks so much!