Charitable donations are a very personal thing. There are so many ways our hard earned money can help others, and lately our world seems to be breaking into pieces around us. Needs are many and great. The Bookanistas want to give back, so in the coming months, we're going to be looking for ways to pour into communities, both bookish and worldwide.
For the month of April, the Bookanistas have chosen to spotlight Run For Your Life, an event that's raising money for a cancer hospital, largely because the framework is already set up (we'd like to keep it simple our first time out), and also because of personal connections to the cause. Most everyone has lost a loved one to cancer or knows someone who has.
To encourage you to donate, we're going to give away some sweet prizes! Here's how it will work:
1. Go to the Run For Your Life page.
2. Make a donation. $5 is suggested, but lower or higher is fine. (Also know that for every dollar you donate, you'll be entered to win a private, advance screening for twenty people for Breaking Dawn. The Bookanistas have NOTHING to do with that part - that's all Charlie Bewley and Summit Entertainment.)
3. Come back and fill out the entry form on this page.
We're trusting you to be honest about giving, and about the amount you give. Don't be a mamby pamby. Keep up our faith in mankind.
4. The Bookanistas will be giving away a selection of prizes (see list below). You will be entered one time for each dollar you donate ($5 = 5 entries). If you wish to be entered to win a specific prize, let us know in the designated section of the entry form.
5. We're following the guidelines set forth by Run for Your Life, which means this particular event will only be open to those in North America. Entries will be closed on April 30th, and we will contact randomly selected winners shortly thereafter.
6. Spread the word. Tweet, post the Run For Your Life logo (above) with a link to Charlie's site on your blog, or Facebook about the event, and receive an entry (one entry TOTAL for doing all or one of these things). Place a link/links in the place provided on the entry form.
HERE'S THE LIST OF BOOKANISTA PRIZES (this list WILL be added to, so check back):
From Shannon Messenger:
A signed copy of WHITE CAT and a signed copy of RED GLOVE by Holly Black
From Carrie Harris:
A 50 page manuscript critique
From Jessi Kirby:
A signed copy of MOONGLASS
From Gretchen McNeil:
A swag pack of POSSESS goodies and a query critique
A 50 page manuscript critique
From Stasia Kehoe:
A signed copy of AUDITION
From Shana Silver:
A query and first chapter critique
A signed copy of LIAR SOCIETY and bookmarks
A box of ten mystery advance reader copies
From Elana Johnson:
A Dystopian Trifecta of Awesome - a signed copy of DARK AND HOLLOW PLACES by Carrie Ryan, a signed copy of MATCHED by Ally Condie, and a signed ARC of Elena's own POSSESSION
From Christine Fonseca:
From Myra McEntire:
A signed copy of DEMONGLASS by Rachel Hawkins, a signed copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE by Beth Revis, a signed copy of TORMENT by Lauren Kate, and a signed and annotated advance reader copy of HOURGLASS.