3 S.R. Johannes: How to Write off Writer's Block

Monday, November 03, 2014

How to Write off Writer's Block

How to Write off Writer's Block 

So of course we all have an idea of what writer's block means to us- whether that be long, caffeine filled nights or lots of junk food and hair pulling, there's no doubt it's infuriating. However, every writer has their own way of beating back the book blues, so here are a few of mine that may hopefully help! 

1. Read. A Lot. 

Whenever you're unable to get past that one chapter, pull out a book for fun. Believe it or not, reading avidly for a few hours, (or days, or weeks), actually helps to boost your creativity and take the pressure off; this means, your ideas are free to fly whenever you like. Just make sure you're ready for the imaginative outpour.

2. Take a Break

Sometimes we write a little too much for a little too long, and our main characters start to drain us. Not that we don't love them, but sometimes we need a little time alone to think. After days of writing, a break for yourself can help you think over what you've already written, and brainstorm for what you want to write. 

3. Naps

A nap is always the best way to finish that last bit of dialogue you just can't seem to nail. Try thinking of your story before you drift off to sleep, letting your characters talk it out and the plot write itself. Maybe you'll even dream of your story, and get some ideas. 

4. Ask Others

A lot of times we are our worst critics and can't quite seem to understand that. Every time we finish a chapter we think, "Wow. This is awful. Rewrite." But what if it isn't all that horrible, and maybe just needs a few tweaks? Sometimes an outside point of view can help us be easier on ourselves and get some good insight in the process. 

5. Take a walk

Relax. No good book is written in a night, that's for sure. So take an hour or so and get outdoors, take a walk in the park or up the street. Nature can be freeing and let your ideas work themselves out, while at the same time letting you relax in a stress free environment. 

Regardless of the way you treat writer's block, there's always someway to get your creativity back on track. So maybe try one of the ideas above- and remember to relax, breathe, and love what you do.

1 comment:

BB. said...

It's good that I can read such a great article. Lexy