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All About Me
I like dark chocolate and cheese dip (although not together) and the occasional straight up, extra-dry, extra-filthy martini with extra olives.
I cry a lot. At. Everything. Commercials. Movies. TV Shows. And if you cry around me (or if I even sense that you are about to cry or could cry), I lose it. I'm a baby.
Even though I pretend I'm tough, I'm extremely sensitive. My toughness is a total facade, except when I do Bikram Yoga in 110 degree heat. Then, I'm a bada$$.
I am very honest. Actually too honest. I will always tell it like it is. And that gets me into trouble... a lot. So if you don't want to know if your butt looks big in those jeans, don't ask.
I am an amazing multi-tasker. Ask my hubby. (Actually, I'm juggling 10 things as I write this.)
I love animals and nature and am completely heartbroken at the way we treat both. Oh yeah, I cry about that too.
I love Milos Sweet Tea and any kind of flavored coffee with flavored cream. In fact, I like a little coffee with a lotta cream. (SEE my cream addiction below).
I love to laugh, especially at myself. I work hard to be a silly klutz - it does not come easy. Let's just say, I always have one person laughing at my jokes - even if it's usually just me.
I am addicted to Delights White Chocolate Raspberry Creamer and horde bottles when it comes out every Dec. (Seriously, it is a problem.)
When I was 10, I got dragged down an asphalt street by a big dog (in my mind it was a werewolf but that's another story. Sadly, my teenage babysitter put band-aids on every single scratch and road burn patch. What I learned - ripping off 3 boxes of bandaids really hurts! (Needless to say my pet walking business was a total bust.) And not that you need to ask, but YES I did cry.
I love to read in bed and am obsessed with any movie (past or present) and T.V. (Walking Dead, The Following and anything CW).
I am very loyal to my friends and people I love. I will stick by them through thick and thin. I am learning how to let go of people who are not loyal to me.
I'm a slight hypochondriac and germaphobe. It's probably why I don't eat leftovers. Seriously if I sneeze - it must be something serious.
My first car was an apple-red 1984 Toyota Celica Hatchback. By the time I turned it in, I had a boom box on the seat (the radio broke), no air-conditioning, and I had to pour a quart of oil in every morning just to get to work. (True story.)
I have two kids that make me laugh and who actually think I'm as funny as I think I am. :)
I worked in Corporate America for about 12 years and barely got out alive. Though my creativity managed to survive. I hope.
I am still seeking my true purpose and hope it helps people someday. I want to make a difference.
Official Authory Bio to impress people :)
S.R. Johannes is the award-winning author of the Amazon bestselling Nature of Grace thriller series (Untraceable, Uncontrollable, and Unstoppable).
S.R. Johannes is a winner of the IndieReader Discovery Award in YA, an IPPY a Silver Medalist for YA Fiction, a Finalist in The Kindle Book Review's Best Young Adult Fiction, and a Finalist in US Book News Best YA Book.
Since leaving Corporate America, she has followed her passion for writing and conservation by working with The Dolphin Project, the Atlanta Zoo, other animal rescue organizations, and by weaving conservation themes into her books.
She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her dog, English-accented husband, and the huge imaginations of their little prince and princess, which she hopes- someday- will change the world.