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Showing posts with label branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label branding. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Author Branding 101 by Louisa Clarkson

Today on the blog we have Louisa Clarkson of Indicated to give the 101 on author branding, an important step in marketing your words. Without any further ado here is Louisa!

No doubt you’re familiar with brands, their advertising slogans and logos (unless you’re a troll living under a rock bridge). Like McDonalds for example, is highly recognizable with the golden arches, the red and yellow and their branding statement “I’m Lovin’ it”.

From a marketing perspective, the colors and branding statements helps customers recognize it and influence them to buy the products. Red means passion and love, it stands out, and is used to stimulate people to make quick decisions. Yellow is bright and sunny, grabs attention and evokes feelings of happiness and joy. “I’m Lovin’ it” implies you will enjoy the food.

Branding is a brilliant and important tool for authors too. Our writing style, book themes/genre, covers, our author website(s), branding statements, and even our personalities, all shape our brand. Let’s look at these things in more detail, and start building a brand that knocks Stephanie Meyer from her perch!

Writing Style

Your writing voice, writing style, tone and even choice of words, is what a reader bonds and fall in love. No one else writes the way you do. These component make your author style unique, and helps your readers recognizes your writing.

Two examples of very distinct writing styles are Doreen Virtue, author of Healing With the Angels, who has a very motivating and inspiring style and tone, which compliments her self-help and spiritual brand. While Eion Colfer, author of the Artemis Fowl children’s series, has a very tongue in cheek voice that tickles a child’s funny bone.

Books Themes and Genre

The genre(s) and themes that you write about is what readers will associate with you, and what they’ll expect from you in future. For example, Stephen King is synonymous for horror, supernatural themes, and a few drama novels. Readers would never associate Stephen with comedy. That would be like McDonalds selling pizza!

For those of you published in multiple genres, or if you’re planning to write in more than one genre, it’s recommended to use pen names to separate the brands, unless your books have a common element such as magic or fantasy that filter through them. Start small with one genre and build a fanbase, like Stephen did, then expand into other genres.

Book Covers

A book cover, its artwork, font and colors should reflect the tone, style and genre of the book(s). For example, on Suzanne Collins Hunger Games series, every book features a Mockingjay, which is a distinct symbol for these books, and is even used for the film posters. Each book also uses the same square font for the book title and author name, and a different color to reflect the tone. Book 1 has a black cover representing a bleak society, hopelessness and oppression, typical of the dystopian genre. Book 2 is red which is symbolic of war and fighting back. Blue features on blue to show hope and freedom.

These elements need to be kept consistent when publishing a series to help the reader identify your books and brand. If you self publish, try to use the same cover designer to maintain the style. 

Author Website

The function of the author website is the same as the book covers. It should convey to any visitors the style and tone of your books, reflect aspects of your personality, hobbies or interests, and it can feature a logo to represent your brand. Here’s a cool website by paranormal romance author TF Walsh, which reflects the romantic and supernatural elements of her books, and her love of everything fantasy. The black gives a creepy and dark tone, while red highlights the romance and passion.

Branding Statements

A branding statement defines who you are as an author, the types of books you publish, aspects of your personality, who your target audience is, and helps readers to find you. For example, mine is “crafting whimsical, inspiring fantasy adventures that keeps tweens reading for days.” I could have used John Grisham’s Number 1 Bestselling Author, but it’s boring (zzzzz) and doesn’t tell me anything about his books.

Personality and Perception

Part of an author’s job is to build a public image that reflects their personality and brand. Aussie author Morris Gleitzman has a cheeky, fun brand, which supports his humorous children’s books. This is what draws readers to him and keeps them loyal. But if he were to go and post rude or adult’s only jokes on his social media accounts, there’d be public outrage. Always remember who your target market is and who might be reading.

Branding is such a huge topic, and this is but a small, but important part of it.

I’d love to know what your branding efforts you’ve made. Do you have separate brands for your books? Have you created any distinct features on your covers or logos? C’mon. Share you branding statements, so I don’t feel like such a dork! If you don’t have fun, then make one up. Promise I won’t laugh.

About Louisa Clarkson:

Louisa Clarkson is the author of The Silver Strand, the first in the Mastermind Academy tween fantasy series for 9-12 year olds. Creative endeavors called, and she left her Environmental Engineering career to study a Masters in Creative Writing and pursue her writing dreams. In the months she spent researching how to promote her novel, she found bits of information here and there, but no complete author resource. As such Indicated was born. Indicated features book promotion guides and a comprehensive database of where to find book promotional opportunities like book review bloggers, free and paid advertising opportunities, guest posts, authors interviews and so much more.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yo! New Website is up and rockin'!

Hey guys!

I hit 300 followers today (What???!!!!) and 40,000 hits on blog this week (in just 11 months!) - whoaaaa doggie!! I cannot believe! Thanks so much to everyone for this!!!!

Come see my new website! Just launched today - took longer than I thought!

Thanks to hubby for spending so much time finishing it for me!!!!! (Love you babe!)


Let me know what you think.

Note: For some reason the arrows are not working today - grrrrr! you can drag the white flower next to the scroll box to see lower! (*raises fists to heavens and yells "technology sometimes i curse thee!"

On a hilariously funny note- check this video out about getting an agent - it had me cracking up! (If you want to see the rest of it - go to the YouTube page)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Don't let the word Marketing fool you!

Marketing Muse
Visit book reviewers and librarians sites. Comment on their blogs. get the name recognition. Ask yourself what can you do FOR THEM. When your books come out - they may remember you :)

It's all Marketing! Don't let it fool you.

What is Marketing?

Everything you do can be called "Marketing" I have gotten tons of comments in the last few days about Pre-published Marketing especially since I spoke at Southern Breeze. Many of those comments are saying that they know of many authors that have NOT started marketing until their book has already come out. That is not true.

Remember: most writers/authors usually only think of Marketing as Book Marketing. They think of running ads or doing book signings and school events.

Marketing is any of the following: blogs, social networking sites, newsletters, speaking engagements, signings, podcasts, interviews, business cards, web sites. Anything you do to get your name out there and meet people is Marketing. ALOT of authors these days do start marketing before they get published.

They just don't know its marketing.

Marketing things you may already be doing and don't even know it!
  • So if you are commenting on my blog for this contest - that is Marketing!
  • If you are doing a blog - that is Marketing!
  • If you have a web site (all together now) - Marketing!
  • If you have joined facebook or myspace - Marketing (are you seeing a pattern yet?)
  • If you have business cards - marketing (brand identity)
  • If you are speaking at conferences on any topic - marketing
  • If you have joined SCBWI - Marketing (networking is an informal way of marketing)
  • Book signings? School Visits? Do I hear Marketing?
  • Podcasts/Blog tours- Marketing
  • Commenting on blogs or connecting to other people's blogs - marketing
  • Volunteering

Why do marketing at all?

Because you get your name out there. Name recognition and networking are critical in marketing (obviously second to writing a good book)

  • Prepublished - if an editor or agent recognizes your name. It may get you a serious look or chance.
  • Published - if a librarian or store owner know your name and see your book. They make book you for the signing over someone they have never met.

That is why you want to brand yourself - because you are getting out there anyway. Why not send a consistent message?

Other forms of Marketing

Don't get this confused when people offer "Marketing Workshops" that focus on Queries, Synopsis, and cover letters. This is a form of marketing to - you are marketing your book ideas to agents and editors. That is why they say "have a hook" - this is common term in Marketing.

Make sure if you go to a workshop that is titled Marketing - you read the details on which type of marketing it is.

Do Agents and Editors Market themselves?

This can all be true for editors and agents too. If they get their name out there - they may get better queries. They may get a chance at a specific author. That is why they go to conferences. That is why they go to lunch. That is why they tweet. That is why they mention the books they are working on at conferences or in interviews. All this gets their name, their agency/house, and their new books out in front of people so they are thought of first.

So what are they doing?


We all need to change our view of Marketing - beyond the basics.

So comment here and start your marketing. Start getting your name out.

Now go "market"

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Beware of your Shadow Brand!

Contest Update
Whoa - you people are Krazy! Lots of competitiveness out there. I am loving the comments and meeting new bloggers. keep it up. If you are just coming - the contest goes all month. here's the original post. To all you players - lets' see who can keep up this pace all month long! :0)

Beware of your Shadow Brand!

This past weekend, I spoke at an SCBWI conference in Atlanta on Getting past your fear of branding/marketing. I promised I would blog about it as a recap.

Befor eyou decide what your brand is - you need to be aware of the brand you are giving off.

Beware of your Shadow brand - Be aware of what type of vibe you give off. I'm not talking about if you just have a bad day. I mean the "consistent shadow brand" you may be projecting. Are you scared, frustrated, desperate, confident etc. If you don't know what it is - ask your critique group members.

Develop your own Author branding. This is your personal brand as a writer/author. You do not need to be published for your author brand. You only need to know your writing. What do you write? what is special about it? What colors represent you?

What do you need for your author brand?

  • Web site ( a must!!!!!). Go for some variation of your name. (yourname.com) If you can't get it throw in your middle name or initials. You want your name as your author web site - it is easier to find that "YAbookauthor.com"
  • Blog (Andrew Karre, Editor at Carolrhoda, said yesterday that he prefers active blogs to stagnant web sites.)
  • Begin networking - what can you do for other people. Do this where you are comfortable - online or in person.
  • Decide on your colors/logo/look - keep it to 2 or 3 colors and figure out your style.
  • professional looking biz cards (try to stay away form white and definitely stay away from printing them yourself with perforated edges. You can get printing very inexpensive these days.
Don't be baffled by Book branding. This is the brand of your published books. No one really needs to book brand until they get published. Although your topic appeals to a marketing segment, the book cover also plays a major role in the branding.

What do you need for your book brand?
  • all of the above
  • develop a marketing strategy plan that is specific (not too generic)
  • do have marketing materials - book markers, postcards etc
  • If you have a series - you can always start a "book web site" "bookseriestitle.com" like harrypotter.com
  • Of course - expand your networking and always follow up!!!
Cheapies to get you started

  • Web sites - I prefer godaddy - you can get a good site for under 15$ a month. They also sell domains for about 6$ a year. There are free web sites but they will not show up in search engines and they do not have as much of a professional look.. IN addition, usually your url will have their site in the title. Like srjohannes.googlepages.com.
  • Blogs - blogger or livejournal tend to be the most popular ones
  • free Blog templates - http://www.templates-blogger.com/ or http://btemplates.com/
  • Social networking - free (facebook/myspace/goodreads etc)
  • Twitter - free
  • Business cards - you can always design them and print them at vistprint.com or iprint.com. keep in mind the design is not totally customizable.
  • Other materials - again vistaprint.com allows you to upload documents and print for very inexpensive. (postcards/brochures/flyers).

Should you ever spend money?

I say not if you don't have to. (my hubby and accountant are killing me right now :)

If you ever decide to spend any money on marketing - I would highly recommend hiring a graphic designer to custom design your web site, biz cards, and other marketing materials. You do the copy and printing yourself. If you pay a graphic designer to put it together, be sure you ask and receive the print ready files. That way, you can print inexpensively on vistprint or iprint.

For those who asked - I give 20% off to writers and 30% off to SCBWI members. I will also promise to always beat your other estimates by 10% (assuming their prices are in alignment with the Graphic Artists Guild Pricing Guidelines and Ethics.

Hope this helps!