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Showing posts with label top 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label top 10. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why I love the Indie Life!

The Indie Life has it's ups and downs. So does the traditional side. My goal is to experience both someday.

But for right now, in this moment, I am loving being indie in today's world. It was much harder a year and 1/2 ago when I started publishing, but now things are changing and becoming more acceptable in the industry and it's exciting.

The top 10 reasons I love being indie:

1) The control. Yes for those who don't know, I am a control freak by nature. So creating my own book and releasing it - no matter how hard - is awesome and rewarding.

2) The way-smart business people - esp women. I love hanging out with some serious smart women who know how to run a business as well as have kick ass writing (Just to name a few out of all the awesome: All of the Indelibles like Rashelle Workman & Susan Quinn doing interesting things, Heidi MacLaughlin, Addison Moore, and M. Leighton) Again, this is just to name a few! It's a world of awesomeness.

3) I can write what I want when I want. Branding is important in books but so is passion. If I want to write a sci fi series, I can. If I want to put out a marketing nonfiction, I can. I love the freedom of writing what is in me at the time.

4) My book is what I envision. I know when I put my book out it is the best it can be and it is all me.  The cover, the editing, the story. It's like having a baby. You know it's a direct product of you.

5) The community rocks. Every indie author is so helpful and I love that we all support each other. Whether it is Hugh Howey giving shout outs or M. Leighton giving a pep talk. The indie authors are so approachable no matter what status they hold because they have all been there. And they know how hard it really is.

6) Seeing people rise to the top. I love seeing indie bust their bum for years and then see them finally break through the glass ceiling. Hugh Howey, Abbi Glines, Addison Moore, M. Leighton, Samantha Young, Chelsea Cameron. Gosh, I could name so many others. They get there on their own and they work hard for it. It is never handed to an indie author to come out on top.

7) Some stability options. With the state of flux in the publishing world, I feel this gives me ANOTHER avenue for my writing. Not always the only one but another one.

8) A paycheck. I like getting paid every month, knowing my writing is bringing in income for my family and that people see value in what I do.

9) Reaching readers (I had touching readers but it felt creepy :). I get mail from readers, librarians, and parents about how they love my book. That makes me feel like I'm making a small difference in someone's life.

10). I love this business. No matter the ups and downs. I love publishing industry. I love both sides. I think both have things to offer that they other may not. And I'm honored to be a part of it in any way.

Here are more thoughts today on the INdie Life

What do you love?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

PSA: Plastic surgery can help your writing

Oh Heidi, Heidi, Heidi. :( Why oh why did you butcher yourself??? You were so beautiful and real. And the real you is better than a different you.

There is nothing for me to say except - this ones for you (and your larger than life "girls").

But somehow, in seeing Heidi's recent plastic surgery results inspired this post.

She made me think about how plastic surgery might be able to help my writing.

So here it is....my public service announcement to writers.

Top 10 ways we might be able to use plastic surgery to improve our writing. (A stretch I know, but bare with me. :)

10. It helps to slim down - I just had to cut 15,000 words on my book and it was a very rewarding process. Its amazing how lean your book can get if you nip and tuck.

9. Bigger is not always better. Sometimes saying what you need to say in 70,000 words is more powerful than 120,000. Sometimes the small meaningful word makes more of an impact than a thesaurus's alternative.

8. Sometimes you gotta suck it up. This business is tough. The key to succeeding (besides writing well) is pushing forward. No matter how hard it is. That may take nights, tears, and all the energy I have but when push comes to shove I suck it up and keep moving on.

7. Change your shape. Don't be scared to start over. To take some off here and add some there. You never know where you will end up or what shape your book can take.

6. Plump it up - add volume to your characters as much as you add to the story. Characters must be allowed to grow in ways you may not have expected.

5. Get rid of the wrinkles. Revising is key to getting rid of the wrinkles in your book. You have to be willing to go over and over the same lines to be sure they are essential to the beauty of the story.

4. Know what's fake and what isn't. Its important that your voice and story is authentic. Don't try to make it like someone else. You need to do your story your own way. No one way works for everyone. We are all different.

3. Know when to stop. Sometimes you can tweek to death. Its important to know how to recognize when our book feels done or when to get feedback. You can work your work to death.

2. Open your eyes - Immerse yourself in the business. Read and learn about your craft. Always work on your craft. You can always get better if you stay open to learning.

1. It lifts you higher. There is no feeling like sitting down, getting an idea, and have it pour out of you onto the pages. There is no feeling better than printing out your manuscript and know how much you have created. And there is no felling better than someone loving your work.

So appreciate who you are as a writer.

Being yourself is better than looking like someone else.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

I am a GLeek!

OK guys. I finally got around to watch last week's episode on GLee. It is amazing.

There are so many things to love about this show!

Top 10 reasons GLEE gives me glee!

10) It's funny. I laughed in alot of places. Some of the comments made me shake my head b/c they are so true, yet so sad to hear. And yes I even got teary at the end when the kids were all on stage dancing and singing. I am a sucker!

9) Love how the show has the same ole stereotypes yet still seems fresh. Agents and editors are always saying "this is a stereotype!" but these types of people still exist and they still work if you do them right. You just have to tie in a little something different. A jock who likes to sing. A cheerleader who likes to pray. A geeky girl who is confident and knows she's talented. And, the teacher who wants to save the underdogs yet instead of a sports team or poor school, it is a glee club. Just goes to show you can still make it work!

8) Emma (the school counselor) is too cute. At first, I did not want to like her - she was all in skirts, heels and silky tops. But I love that she wears plastic gloves when she sits in the teachers lounge. She also draws hearts around Mr Shu's pictures in her school book. A counselor who's a bit nuts is always fun, yet so endearing you already want Mr Shu to dump his phony wife and hook up with Emma! And its only been one show.

7) Terri (Mr Shu's wife) sux! First off, I have never gravitated towards really "crafty people" so the crafty thing bugs me. She even complains about having a cheap glue gun! (sorry to all you crafty bloggers - I love you as long as you are cool about it!) Mostly, I have a HUGE bias against people who try to prevent others from living their dreams in total happiness just because they want more money or a different status.

6) Love the music! They covered many decades of music just in the first show. My fav - the 80s twist! The song matched with the mullet guy. "Don't stop believing" by Journey used to be my favorite song when I was 11. I was in 6th grade and at a private school where kids used to throw rocks at me. I was miserable but only there for a year. It was a traumatizing year for many reasons, but this song (along with Air Supply!) pulled me through. (BTW I love Steve Perry - how can you not? the acid wash jeans, the hair, the leopard shirt??)

5) Poor Artie (wheelchair kid) is adorable. When I was in high school, my best friend Lauren, had cystic fibrosis (excess mucus in her throat body) and she especially struggled when she sang in the Glee/chorus club. But she loved to sing more than anything and fought through it. She deteriorated after high school and died when I was away in college. Poor Lauren. It amazed me (even then) how people would be so mean when they had no idea what a person was really going through. While they were worried about their hair, Lauren was worried at what age she was going to die. Back then in the 80s - the life expectancy was only 18!

4) Rachel - OMG. She has an amazing voice. I mean the kind that gives you chills. It's so clear and effortless. I used to sing in a Jazz band and sometimes wonder if I should have continued onto be a singer. I had so many opportunities that I passed by. Rachel makes me miss singing. When I was in high school, I wanted nothing more than to be on Broadway.

3) Coach Sue - I love Jane Lynch - loved her in Mighty Wind and Best in Show. In Role Models - her best line was "Don't mess with me. I used to have cocaine for breakfast." She's just as funny in this show. She calls her cheerleading squad "the Cherrios", drinks Protein shakes, and is a real meany. But she makes me laugh. The funniest line so far? "You think this is hard? Living with hepatitis is hard!"

2) Mr Shu is Gleeky hottie. Do you know how you know when a man is hot? He's cute. He sings. He play guitar. He loves kids. He wears button down sweaters and gets away with it. Oh yeah - and he makes John Denver's "I'm leaving on a jet plane." sound like a cool song again. I miss my Denver albums: Rhymes and Reasons and Poems and Prayers (yes I said albums!) - used to play them all the time. Yay! All us old people can now be cool again because we know all the words!!!

1) OK confession time!!! The main reason I like this show the most because I was in the Glee Club/Chorus in my high school. (Now lets see how many people UNfollow my blog!!!) Yes I was a Gleek!! But I was also a cheerleader (Don't ask!) and so I was teased about it by football team/other sportzy people. But I loved it and didn't really care.(not b/c of a high self esteen b/c I hated to be told what to do!) I played Rizzo in our school Grease rendition and also one of the leads in "Little Whorehouse of Texas" (which probably was not appropriate for high school???? now that I think about it). So I totally relate to this show. Too much.

You can still watch the pilot episode and the new season begins on Sept 9th (this wed).

If you write for kids, you will love this show. It is a glimpse into high school.