BEWARE: this is a mommy post.
So we had a huge DRAMA this weekend and are just recovering today.
The abuse of my daughter's American Girl (AG).
The one she fondly named Sarah Kate
Magnificent Clara
(SKMC for short - sounds like a rapper huh?) after weeks of tossing out several names.
The one that is over 100$.
The one she washed with milk.
yes, you heard me right, milk. And 2% makes no difference trust me.
BackstoryNow a couple of weeks ago, I walked into the room to find my daughter drenching her
AG with water. Innocent mistake right? We had not covered the AG rules
thorough enough. I calmly explained to her that she could do anything she wanted to to that doll EXCEPT get her wet. That if she wanted to wash her hair - she needed to call me (the hair dresser) and take her to the salon (bathroom) under my supervision so i
could show her how to do it properly.
The high maintenance AG dollFor those of you who have not been brainwashed enough to get sucked into the
AG's retail trap, the dolls cost over 100$ and are made so that you have to spend money even after you buy one. They have their own clothes and own rules of ownership. They are very sensitive.
- You cant get their body wet
- You have to use a special brush
- You have to take them to the AG salon if you need a hairstyle change.
- You can only dampen their hair
- And you can only wash it with Johnson's baby shampoo. (AG must obviously have some kind of contract with Johnson, right?)
- If something happens, the dolls have to go to the AG Hospital (where admission is at least 40$),
Saturday Drama
Yesterday, at quiet time, it was quiet.
First clue: I should have known something was up b/c my daughter usually comes out at least 5 times during the "quiet" time asking how long is "quiet" time.
So finally, I go in and anticipate some damage.
What kind of damage can a 5 year old do - you ask?
You'd be surprised at how much they can do and how fast. Its actually amazing what 5 year
olds can do in such a short period of time of 30 minutes.
We have had our mishaps.
My daughter has rubbed glitter glue all over her wall. She has stuck about 1,011 stickers on her walls, bed, and her furniture. She has sprinkled/scattered jars of glitter all over her room and rug. She has colored the walls with glitter Tinkerbell crayons. She has taken ever hair clip and clipped the organza
draps. And, she has tied her princess
toole that hangs from her ceiling to her bed in triple knots.
All this in the name of fanciness!
(Remind me to kill Fancy Nancy!)I digress.
So, I walk into the room and look around. Doesn't seem so bad. Until I start picking stuff up. Everything seems kind of.......I don't know.....
wetish (is that a word?) (
Looking back now, i would say milky but hind sight is 20/20, isn't it).Dramatic reenactment:
I pick up a dripping doll and whine. "Honey, I thought I asked you not to put water around your American Girl?"
With big innocent eyes and a large smile, my daughter says, "I know Mommy. I didn't use water."
I hold up the dripping doll and ask, "Then why is she wet?"
Keep in mind, my daughter has no idea she is about to incriminate herself so instead of saying "I plea the 5
th." She happily and proudly says, "It's milk. I gave her a milk bath."
Now I knew the recognized the smell. Warm milk. She looked so innocent in front of me and so proud. How do you handle that? Her intentions were good but her actions were careless and she went ahead and did something after I'd already told her not to get her doll wet.
"Why did you do that? Didn't I asked you not to get your doll wet last week?"
Again, innocent eyes blink back at me, still unaware of the impending wrath of Mommy. "But mommy you said I could not use WATER on her hair. I didn't use water. I used milk for her milk bath."
She had a point.
And, I did not yell. But I did make her sit in timeout while I chatted with the American Girl
hotline for about 15 minutes. A time-out house record.
Pathetic ReenactmentAG: His this is AG, can you tell me your doll's name?
Me: Ugh, Sara
Kate Magnificent Clara.
AG: *pause* OK. What can I do for Sara
Kate? What was the rest?"
Me: "Magnificent Clara."
AG: "Sara
Kate Marvelous Claire?"
(why cant my daughter just choose Suzie like the other kids?)Me: "
That's fine. My daughter put milk on her doll and i need to find out if i can clean it."
AG: "So your daughter wet Sara Kate's hair?"
Me: "And body."
AG: "Right. Well water
isn't too bad for the hair, but the body could rust."
Me: "Uh yeah, except it was milk."
AG: *gasp* "Did you say milk?"
Me: "Yes, milk. My daughter gave her a milk bath."
Me: "So can I clean it or does it have to go to the hospital?"
AG: "Well, I have heard of kids throwing up on their dolls. But I must say this is the first I have ever heard of a girl using milk. Hold on and let me ask my supervisor."
I must admit, part of me was almost proud. My daughter was the FIRST girl to think of giving her doll a milk bath? She is so smart. Cool right? So cool, we had to be escalated to the Milk supervisor. Whoa!*hold*
Meanwhile, my daughter is wailing from her Timeout spot. "Please don't let them kill her, Mommy."
AG: "I'm back. We will probably have to replace the entire doll. Milk can stink."
Now I could have told you that. Can I be a supervisor? How much do they make?Me: "
Ok, I'll send it in. can it be fixed?"
AG: "You might as well buy a new doll."
Me: "But my daughter loves the one she has."
AG: "
Ok Send it in. If we can't fix it
(code word for get out your wallet) - you can purchase a new one as well as the hospital gown set. Then, when we send it back, she'll think it is the same one."
Great now, $150. Ag lady gives me a list of "prepping and packing instructions" and I get off the phone.
Perturbed I just spent another 150$
I go to my daughter and tell her. "I just got off the phone with the
Dr. Sara Kate has to go to the hospital and have an operation."
Daughter: "Sara Kate Magnificent Clara."
Me: "Today, its just Sara."
Daughter: "But will she die?"
The mean mad me says: "She might! And, if she does. I am not buying you a new one. That will be the consequence. We will just have to see what happens."
*tears follow*
(from both of us. If anyone cried around me, I cry too. Not helpful I know but true.)So what was my daughter's punishment?
I think she had had enough. She cried for about 30 minutes about her doll and is
devastated that she has to give up Sara Kate Magnificent Clara for major surgery . Originally, we took away a show just to impress nanny 911 but after the the flood of tears, I buckled and ended up giving it back when my hubby left for the afternoon.
What can I say except - I am a sucker.
Not only am i paying for a new doll but now I have to pay for the stupid hospital gown too.
American girl - 100$
American girl replacement $150
Daughter's happiness - priceless. Though she is probably scarred for life.
All at my expense.
Me - I was upset that I upset her all afternoon. I wanted ot take a bath after she went to bed. But somehow a milk bath didn't sound so good anymore.
Just out of respect for the dead.