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Showing posts with label sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunday. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Belated Editor Appreciation Day

Agent Appreciation Day was so successful last week, authors did it again for Editors. I came across alot of posts this weekend.

Even though I do not have an editor yet, I love them and am thinking a little bribing and flattery could get me somewhere. ;) So here is a shout out to all the great editors who got accolades on blogs over the last few days.

Here's some I found:

Kiersten White with Erica Sussman, Harper Teen

Kody Keplinger with Kate Sullivan, Little Brown

Hannah Moskowitz with Anica Rissi, Simon Pulse

Alexandra Bracken, Egmont USA

Andrea Cremer with Jill Santopolo, Philomel

Kirsten Hubbard with Michelle Poploff, Delacorte

Victoria Schwab with Abby Ranger, Hyperion

Karen Kincy, Brian Farrey at Flux

UPDATE: Gretchen McNeil is gathering all the posts on her blog.

Happy Editor Day and thanks to all of you for believing and taking a chance on your authors!

If you have any you want me to add, let me know. Or if you know of a blog that has a comprehensive list, let me know and I'll link to it.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Follow the LiLA brick road

Leave it to LILA to come up witha hot new contest (AKA wonderful "bribe" to get all of us to pay more attention to their hilarious rants! tee hee ;).

They are giving away a KINDLE next week to one of their followers! (and don't worry, it's not too late to become one. Go! Join the fun!)

While you are there - be sure to congratulate them on their book deal! :) No wonder they don't "need" the Kindle. Now, they can afford several! They can purchase so many they have to "give" them away for free.

I want a book deal too! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Life lessons to a younger me

Dear younger Shelli,

I'm here to tell you that life turns out better than you ever expected. And I have a few pieces of advice that will make your life a lot easier.

Here are a few tips:
  1. Remember the business class you took over creative writing....big mistake. Dangling modifiers will mean more to you than ROIs.
  2. The typing class that you slacked off in...trust me... typing from Home Row is critical to your future. Remember two words - The Claw!
  3. All beautiful kids who are mean to you in high school...tell them not to be so cocky. Our 20th reunion will reveal all.
  4. When you get in trouble for your messy handwriting...it doesn't matter. Computers take over and you'll never have to "write freehand" again.
  5. The cute guy you start dating in college. Dump him! He will break your heart. Oh yeah, and he loses all his hair too.
  6. The soap opera you skip class for because you're afraid you might miss an episode? Let me just tell you that Days of our Lives is still on and you wont miss a thing. Bo and Hope are still together and Stefano is still crazy.
  7. For all the times you have to decide between cheering and chorus? Don't worry, a show called "Glee" makes singing and dancing cool again.
  8. The reason you love to read so much....is because one day you will be a writer. Keep reading!
  9. Write down everything and keep all your journals. Some day they will be considered priceless "research".
  10. It's not so bad taking your drivers exam in a 1984 van. When you move to the city, parallel parking will be a breeze!
  11. Don't get too excited about mastering Atari and flipping PacMan or Space Invaders. It gets much harder on Xbox.
  12. Your parents love you and mean well...and most of the time - they are right. Except when they tell you to go for the money.
  13. Your little brother won't always annoy you. Someday you'll forgive each other for the countless wedgies and be the best of friends.
  14. Friends will come and go. Don't worry, the ones you need will be the ones you keep. The ones you lose end up being crazy anyway.
  15. All those fashion faux pas you make - macrame tops, parachute pants, and Indian moccasins? They will probably all come back in style in some form anyway. (oh yeah and someday, thick glasses will be cool!)
  16. Whatever you do - do NOT perm your naturally curly hair or spray Sun-In at the beach, you will pay dearly.
  17. All I can say is - blue eye shadow and pink lipstick are not your best colors!
  18. All the mistakes you make don't matter in the long run. Including getting kicked off the cheerleading squad and a D in Trigonometry.
  19. All those times you worry about your weight. Let it go. You haven't seen yourself pregnant yet.
  20. Don't worry...you will get a first kiss, you will marry, and you will live happily ever after.
Love always,

Your wiser self!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Release and Surrender

Last week, I had a minor panic attack about the whole publishing business.

As I get closer to sending "my baby" out into the big world of publishing, the reality hits me.

This is it! This is where the rubber meets the road (I sound like my dad!). This is where everything I've done the last few years, the sacrifices I have made, the ones my family have made comes down to this moment in time.

The prospect of getting published someday suddenly freaks me out!

For the past 5 years, I've dreamed of writing a kick-butt book, getting an agent, going out on submission. I've dreamed of agents fighting over me, editors wanting my book. Authors wishing to blurb. I even dreamed of going to auction. Dreamed of finally making some money off my writing.

I've dreamed of becoming a published author.

It was nothing but hope that got me to where I am today.

Now, there is no going back. No do-over's. No more room for dreaming.

My dream either "will or will not" become my true reality. How that happens remains to be seen.

But the reality is - sometimes it does and then sometimes it doesn't. You never know.

This business is finicky and no matter how great your writing is or your idea, sometimes your dream flies and sometimes it floats around, sometimes it hits the dirt.

That is the reality.

My problem? Reality is not an option for me. Never has been. I dream big. And I dont' give up those dreams for a dumb thing called "reality".

I've resorted to doing Bikram Yoga to get the weight off my chest. The heavy one that makes me feel as if I cannot breathe. The one that comes from excitement mixed with anxiety mixed with fear.

This has happened to me throughout my journey. I got this same way when I was looking for an agent. I got to a point where I could not sleep, could not stop checking my statcounter or email, could not write. And I could not breath.

I got so attached to the outcome. I eventually said out loud one day, "It doesn't matter what happens. I will write no matter what anyway. I need to just let go of my attachment to the result and enjoy the journey."

Because you know what? The journey is fun...if you let go of stressing about the end result. There is no end result. There are just milestones.

Well let me tell you that "feeling" doesn't go away after you finish a book or even get an agent. That feeling is a shapeshifter and it somehow comes back to you in a different form. It comes back in disguise. And it took me a while to realize it.

My friend asked me the other day - "So writing makes you so anxious, why do it?"

I said, "It doesn't make me anxious until I think about the publishing side of it."

She simply said, "Then don't think about that."

And it dawned on me. She's right. Why am I hanging on so tightly to being published. As if it ends there?

I have to let that go. I have to have faith and enjoy the process. Because - let me tell you - so far the process itself has been fun. Hard. But FUN. As long as I release my focus on an end result or unrealistic expectations - I am so happy and calm.

Yesterday, with a friend ) I pull a Tarot card from my Angel deck someone gave me when I got an agent (for my angel book).

(I dont live by these things, but I do think it's fun to believe in that stuff - dreams, tarot cards, numerology, astrology readings, signs from the universe ect. You name it. Anything that can possibly give me any additional insight into my future or path, is welcome. please don't unfollow me for this!!! :)

Guess what card I got (out of like 100 cards).

Release and Surrender.

Here is what it said:

"Open your arms and release the challenges that you've held so tightly within your hands. Open your hands, arms, mind and heart to assistance. You have been trying to control a situation in your life. You must emotionally let go and have faith that a higher power can do a better job. Surrendering does not mean you are giving up, it just assures you of happiness and a better outcome. Don't worry about how your question will be answered. Release the need for control and trust all will work out."

It's so true. We hold on so tightly to outcomes that we freak ourselves out along the way.

I let go during the writing process and wrote a godo book. I let go during the agent process and and got an amazing agent. I let go during my revisions process and my book evolved.

Now, I am going to do it again.

I am letting go of expectations, fame, fortune, and my tight attachment to outcomes and results. I am going back to enjoying the process.

Because the truth is - when I focus on the writing and how I feel when I am doing it. My heart is full and I am elated. The minute I take myself out of the journey to try and see, predict or guess what the future holds or where I will be, I feel as if a weight drops from the sky and lands on my chest.

So today, I release and surrender.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sharing the Love and special shout outs

Special shout out to Robyn Campbell and Katie Salides in thanks for the recognition on my blog :) I love awards!!! They are right up there with new blog followers, FB friends, Twitters following my tweets, blog comments, and oh yeah - gifts....presents. (wait, does that sound bad???)

Mostly, I love awards because I can pass them on and share other great blogs I follow :)

Award #1: Kreativ Blogger Award (with a capital K. BTW, leave it to me to get the award that is spelled wrong. :) Hey - if you saw my new line edits, you would understand why!)

(from Katie Salides at Step 1Write, Edit and Revise)

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

7 (really boring) things about me.....that you probably don't care to know and could definitely live without.

1. I used to sing in a jazz band. I actually always thought I'd be a professional singer. If only I was not too old to try out for American Idol. I guess there's always America's Got Talent :) (I didn't know in my heart yet that writing professionally was even an option for me. Until I was out of college, I thought all writers were dead. Don't ask me why.)

2. I love to do Bikram Yoga. The hotter the better. For those of you who do not know, it is yoga done in 108-112 degree room. It is amazing!!! At the end of my class, they always hand out frozen lavender-smelling washcloths. Before I had kids, I did this yoga at least 5 times a week and had a rock hard body. Not so much anymore. (sorry to hubby!) I hope to return soon. :)

3. My husband is from UK. And, yes he has a sexy accent. He's actually from a small town in Wales. After we first got married, his company messed up his Visa and he was sent back to UK for 8 weeks until the British Consulate redid his passport. I spent a whole day (and night along with a few bottles of wine) thinking he was dead in a ditch somewhere b/c the airline would not inform me he was detained. I even got pulled aside in Atlanta Hartsfield Airport by security for "creating a scene" which really meant I was crying too loudly. What can I say it was after Sept 11th, so I guess my wailing spooked some people.

4. I really think I'm going to be on Oprah someday. Yes all my friends laugh at me. But I have had recurring dreams about me sitting on a couch talking to her - about what I don't know - so who knows. Weird huh? After my ex-fiance called off our wedding (2 weeks before the date). I sent in an essay to Oprah on the topic "How I pulled through a bad time." Mine was actually published in O magazine under an article title called "When I was dumped." Nice huh? But hey, I was proud - after all - it was in O magazine! Nothing like the whole world knowing. right? Wait - can I put that in my bio - that I was published in O magazine???

5.I was chosen to be in the show and pet Shamoo at Sea World. Yes, I have it on tape. I even said something brilliant. When asked "what does he feel like?" by the trainer, I yelled into the microphone (obviously not knowing how loud it was) "a tire". I think Shamoo was offended b/c he splashed me. Which doesn't sound bad, except I walked around the rest of the afternoon smelling like a fish. I have it all on tape but at parties I usually only show my parachuting one. makes me look cooler.

6. I traveled through Europe for a month by myself when I was 25. It was awesome. I was attacked on a train by a group of boys trying to mug me. Special shout out to the Italian train conductor for saving my life that night. I got stranded in Geneva without a hotel. And I was stuck in Piccadilly Circus for about 4 hours (11 pm - 3am) b/c I could not get a cab.

7. I have a special power. That's right. I am a superhero. Jealous? Whenever I touch something electronic, it breaks. I must have some kind of overactive magnetic field. Things never break down when my hubby is using them, only me. To give you an example - this was my week - my dishwasher broke (yes I had to wash dishes like in the old west except it was in a sink not a river). my car broke down (a day after we paid for it, while I was driving it. My hubby drovei t the whole weekend and it worked fine. I get in and NOTHING.), my TV broke while my hubby was out of town (yes you busted me, this is why I am caught up on blogs). And my cable broke and then came back on the day they were coming to fix it (we have no idea why).

Man I just realized how boring I am. And those 7 were hard for me to come up with.

Now, wouldn't it be funny if I now told you they were all lies! They're not but it'd be a great joke if "I'm a great liar" was #7. tee hee.

7 Kreativ Blogs

1) Jodi meadows (slush pile reader) - at Words and Wardances, she does a series called Slush stats where she shows her notes on query letters. It is very eye-opening. she is also on Twitter.

2) Frenetic Reader - Khy is a great teen reviewer for children's books, primarily MG/YA. I love reading teen blogs about their view on the books they read.

3. Plot This - My friends and aspiring writers, Katie and SF Hardy, run a great blog together.

4. Lisa and Laura Write - These girls are sisters, they write together (i still don't understand how that works exactly) and they are HIlarious!

5. Lisa's Little Corner.... - Lisa Schroeder is one of my fav authors so I was estatic to meet her in LA (and a little nervous). Her book "I heart you" led me to my tween angel story. BTW, she is as cool and funny as she is brilliant.

6. Dream the Dream - Brit seems to always reach in and find something I am worrying about.So maybe she can reads minds too. Who knows? you'll have to read her to find out.

7. Heather Hansen - Met her in person in LA and she is as funny in person as she is on her blog.

Award #2: Literary Blogging Award
(from Robyn Campbell at Putting Pen to Paper.)

BTW me? a literary award? This may be the only time I ever get that! :)

Here are the rules:
1) Accept the award and post a link back to the awarding person.
2) Pass the award on (the rules differ here; sometimes you pass on to one person, five, or even more).
3) Notify award winner.

I'm only going to do one since I think I just broke something coming up with the last 7.

My choice is.....

Sarah Davies (FYI - I learned her last name is pronounced Davis!!) from Greenhouse Literary. Not only is she a FABULOUS person and ROCKING agent. But she also writes beautifully and her posts always seem to touch me in some unexpected way.

Whew I'm exhausted! Hope you got some new blogs from this!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunny Sunday: Thanks for the bad times

Here's my Sunny Sunday kickoff to Monday's Project Perk.

(don't forget to check out Suzanne Young's blog and Robin Mellom's blog for more "perky" posts on Monday!)

I was trying to find something to post about today on Sunny Sunday to kick off to Monday Perks Project.

Considering my recent milestone in obtaining an agent. I thought I would write about being grateful and acknowledge how grateful I am for everything I have in my life.

My family
My friends
My health
My life
My passion
My mind
My heart
My willingness to grow
My strength
My hope
My love
My joy

Mostly, I am grateful for the path I am on. For my ongoing journey in this crazy life. No matter how hard and frustrating, everything scene leads to the fantastic reel of my life.

Then I started to realize that sometimes we forget to be grateful for the hard things in life. Sometimes we forget to love the rain, the storms, and the dark clouds as much as we love the sun and clear skies.

I think it is important to be grateful for all the hard times just as much as the good times. Not only do they teach you lessons but they get you to where you are today.

So thanks for the bad times. The hard times. The crappy times.

The pain
The sickness
The sorrow
The frustration
The failures
The fear
The fights
The struggles
The obstacles
The tears
The broken hearts

Today, I am grateful for the downside of life.

Because it makes the upside even sweeter.


A Poem of Gratitude

After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security,

And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises

And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open,

With the grace of a woman,
Not the grief of a child

And you learn to build all your roads on today,
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After awhile you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
In stead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers

And you learn that you really can endure...
That you really are strong
And you really do have worth,
and you learn and learn...
With everything you learn.

- Shoffstall

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunny Sunday - Find out if you are really a Mom?

You Know Your a Mom When...
  • You can no longer wear black, for fear of massive spit up marks
  • You sing “Dora Dora Dora the Explorer” in the shower.
  • You believe that macaroni and cheese should become it’s own food group.
  • Play dates have taken over your life!
  • You sing to the Elmo CD that is playing on your radio long after you’ve dropped your children off at daycare.
  • You can’t wait to hug your own kids after you see something troubling on the news.
  • You lick your finger to wipe the face of a child AND suddenly stop when you realize that child ISN’T YOURS!
  • You can reach into your purse and pull out a crayon, a matchbox car and a dirty sock.
  • You have no issues sniffing another person’s butt for a poopie diaper.
  • A night on the town means taking the kids out past 6 pm.
  • A packet of crisps (chips), and a chocolate bar is considered a hearty breakfast.
  • At a party, you ask where “the potty” is.
  • "Whine” is no longer simply red or white.
  • When people ask you what you do, you tell them you are a “pediatric logistics specialist”!
  • Sleeping in means… sleeping IN the middle of three little bodies!!!
  • You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they're equal.
  • You find yourself cutting your husbands' sandwiches into cute shapes.
  • You can't bear to give away baby clothes - it's so final.
  • You hear your mother's voice coming out of your mouth when you say, "NOT in your good clothes!"
  • You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.
  • You say at least once a day, "I'm not cut out for this job", but you know you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
  • and lastly, you know you are a mom because you hear the word 1,000 times a day and you still love it!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunny Sunday: The Perfect Journey

Another kickoff into Monday's Perk Project! (check out Suzanne Young's blog and Robin Mellom's blog for more perky posts tomorrow!)

We all want the perfect scenario when we write a book

write a book
in 3 months
submit to agents
all want fulls
get many offers
choose our #1 agent
submit to houses
with no revisions
book goes to auction
publishers fight over our book
finally get a 6 figure
and a series
with movie coming out
packed book signings
bestselling, award winning author
on Oprah
and all the kids think we're cool.

Wait, am I the only one?

Some of you may have seen this already video, but I thought it was perfect for my post today.

Don't we all see the book process like this?

But we all know this is a long shot.

It is a dream

But we go for the dream because it makes living so much better.

In reality, we all know that writing is a tough process. That publishing is an uphill battle.

But isn't it better than giving up?

I think we write better and are happier writers if we stay focused on enjoying the writing process. The joy of typing and hearing the keys of our computer clicking. The joy of getting into the book and feeling your heart channel something bigger. The feeling of finishing. The anticipation of submitting. The joy of getting requests and even personal rejections.

This bizarre thing we have all chosen is so worth the climb. (can you tell the Miley Cyrus song is still on the brain?)

The climb to possibility. The climb away from a lesser self.

The ascending passion in our hearts.

And as we hike up this mountain, we need to remember to smell the flowers, enjoy our surroundings, make friends, breathe, and appreciate the fact that we have found our passion.

And someday, when we reach the top - after struggling over rough terrain and through crappy weather - we may realize the view is just as beautiful from below and above - its just different.

Writing is not easy and the journey can be hard and frustrating and sometimes feel completely impossible.

But I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.

Would you?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunny Sunday: Rebirth - The Joy of Starting Over

Here's my Sunny Sunday kickoff to Monday's Project Perk.

(don't forget to check out Suzanne Young's blog and Robin Mellom's blog for more "perky" posts on Monday!)

Today, my thoughts are around rebirth. Rightly so.

I have been working through suggested edits that totally changed my book's direction. When I first got the feedback, I was petrified to go back to the drawing board and changes some key things in my book.

But I realize that writers don't need to be afraid of starting over. It is not the death of a book or your writing, it is a rebirth. Something new out of something old.

Sometimes a rebirth is necessary.

A renewal of hope.

So with that in mind, here is a poem I found about that summed it up for me:

"Starting Over" by Denis Martindale:

OK, why don't you start again?
Just give it one more go!
What happened was beyond your ken,
Perhaps you'll never know!

But try to make it work out right!
And fix things if you can...
You'll suss it soon with some insight
And then fulfil your plan...

When things go bad, when things go wrong,
You've got to end the doubt!B
e resolute! Be firm! Be strong!
And sort the problem out!

Adapt, update and pray like mad!
Then strive for all you're worth!'
Cos when it's done, you'll feel so glad
Your joy will fill the Earth!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunny Sunday - A dash of hope

Another kickoff into Monday's Perk Project! (check out Suzanne Young's blog and Robin Mellom's blog for more perky posts tomorrow!)

Today my thoughts are on healing, hope and thanks.

Even now, at 5:00 am, I am thinking of healing.

As most of you know, I have had vertigo for the last several months. Though I am getting better, I am still not me. But feeling my body heal from whatever caused it is such a relief.

I never thought about my body until these last few months. Except for the time I was Prego. Oh yeah - and then of course - as I have symptoms of the Post-Prego body blues. But I never thought about everything my body did and how much I took it for granted.

We can't trade in our bodies like an old pair of jeans, or a leased car, or a new computer. For us, there is no replacement. We also don't realize that doctors cannot fix everything. They do their best to treat symptoms, but sometimes they never really get to the problem. They can only do so much. I never knew that.

What's worse - is that sometimes they don't have the solution. Or don't know the right one for you.

Sometimes we have to find it ourselves from the inside out. We have to pray. We have to hope for something more. Hope for healing.

Now this post is not even really about me - though I can relate with the feelings of hope and healing.

This post is for my hubby.

20 years old, my husband had a back injury in a rugby game that never really healed. When I first met him 9 years ago, he had back problems but was still able to climb, swim, and fly-fish. He was also in little amounts of pain at times. Chronic pain. Pain that never fully went away.

During the time my daughter was a baby, my hubby's back worsened. I don't know if it was age or if picking up my daughter aggravated the injury. Or if his back just gave up.

Whatever it was , he was hurting. So of course, we all were hurting for him.

About 2 years ago, his back got so bad, he could not feel his left leg anymore. He gave up climbing, he gave up flyfishing. He could not even play with our daughter. The minute he got home, he laid down. At 36, he was unable to do anything he loved. His back "went out" several times, leaving us sad, frustrated and scared. He was in and out of Emory's Spinal Clinic and after many consultations and MRIs, he was told his only option was a spinal fusion which is only about 60-70% effective. Yes, it shocked me too. Some people actually go through the surgery and still are not better. Still are not healed.

My hubby didn't think the spinal fusion was the right answer for him. Even though it MIGHT work, he wanted something more and he deserved it. So he made a choice to continue suffering. For another 6 months he suffered. He tried not to complain, but I could see it in his face at times. he tried to help around the house, but it was hard for him. he tried to participate in activities, but it always hurt. He became a master at living with pain. He started researching online and applied to FDA studies but with no assurance of lessened pain. Then, one day, he found a surgery in Germany with a 95% effective rate. He sent his films over and he was approved as a "double-disk replacement" candidate. (Yes he speaks German :)

Great right?

Wrong. The surgery cost $50,000 and of course, our insurance would not cover it. Even though it was cheaper than a spinal fusion. ( my issues with the monetary goals of our health care system are a whole other blog)

Well obviously, we didn't have that spare change lying around so he opted to wait, hoping the FDA would approve something more, something better. So he waited some more.

And of course, his pain got even worse.

Until one day, I walked in and found him broken down, crying. Something I'd never seen before, He was in so much pain and at the end of his rope.

It broke my heart.

To make a long story short, we cashed in our investments and booked him into the program immediately. It was scheduled within just a few weeks. Our thought?What good is money down the road if you are incapacitated? All you need is love and health. Unfortunately at the time, my son was barely 6 months old and was also having a hard health time in addition to some childcare logistical issues.

Because the process was 6 weeks.

So at the last minute, we made a decision for me to stay here with the kids and have his mother fly from Wales to b with him.

For 6 long weeks.

And we all suffered.

I had to be here alone, taking care of 2 kids, one who was very sick. Most importantly, I could not be with and support my hubby during his scary, yet exciting/hopeful time.

My daughter had to be without her daddy.

But of course, my hubby had it worse. He had to go through this life-changing event without me, without his family by his side. He had to endure major back surgery where they went in through his abdomen, sever muscles, stretch his spine, remove two disks, and insert prosthetic ones. (he came about 2 inches taller!)

The process and the recovery has been a long one.

But today, it all paid off.

Because my hubby got up at 5am to run in his first marathon. 15 miles. Painfree.

So today I am so thankful.

Thankful we had the financial means - though we are still recovering today - to give my hubby his life back, to give our kids their dad, and to give him his passions back. Thankful to all the doctors who took care of him and gave him hope. Thankful to our friends & families in supporting us during the difficult time. Thankful to our kids for being patient and without their dad for that long. Thankful to his work for giving him the leave time and reassurance his job would be here when he got back. Thankful to all medical miracles that went in to creating this option for him to be whole again.

Most importantly, I am thankful that my hubby fought to get his life back. The life he deserves. The life he dreamed of. Thankful he pushed through the impossibly times and stayed hopeful.

He never gave up. But more importantly, he never gave in.

He persevered.

And I love him even more for it.

So here's to healing yourself, staying hopeful, and giving thanks for what you have.

Because it is all so precious and fragile.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunny Sunday - Planting Seeds for Spring.

Comment Your Butt Off Contest Update

Oops I forgot to do this Friday. :)

As of today - days into the contest, you guys are doing fabulous! Just from March 1 - March 22:
  • 2,334 Unique visitors
  • 76 people!
Only 9 days left!
Thanks so much to those of you who have commented on Amazon Idol and sent me offline emails. I really appreciate the support! Publisher's Weekly will read each of the 500 Quarterfinalists and write a review (this scares me) by April 15th. Then Penguin chooses 100 people chosen for Semi-finals.
If you would like to read my first 17 pages, click the Amazon link in upper right hand corner. You will need an Amazon account to download the chapters and comment. (of course!)

A Perk Project: Planting Seeds for Spring.
My contribution to Monday's Perk Project! (check out Suzanne Young's blog and Robin Mellom's blog for more perky posts tomorrow!)

Everyday we plant seeds in our garden of life.

Planting seeds is a verb, it is an action that requires proactivity, but it is also an easy way to expend a small effort in the hopes of a huge impact.

We plant seeds every day - what we do, people we meet, decisions we make - and often don't realize that's what we're doing.

Life is a lot like a great garden. If you don't plant seeds you are not going to get anything but dirt.And if you stop planting seeds, eventually your seasonal flowers will die and be replaced by nothingness.

Planting seeds can be as simple as choosing to do things different, or as complex as going out and meeting people, starting a company, or networking a group of people. You can plant good seeds and bad seeds. If you're rude to someone, you plant a bad seed that may later sprout something negative. If you plant a good seed, you can make a positive impact that may in return rain positivity on you.

Then, there are seeds that just blow your way and landing your garden. maybe brought by a bee or a butterfly. Then one day, something blooms and you are surprised at what you get. You don't know quiet how it got there but you don't care. It's with you and it came to you by some force of nature.

That's my nudge to you.

As I make Agent's 001 revisions on my book, I realize I planted seeds years ago that are just starting to bloom. I also realize I plant seeds everyday with the hopes that they grow. But I also try to send out some seeds to all of you with the hopes they grow for you in a special way.

That is why I started this blog and contest - to plant a positive seed that would impact people in a positive way.

So today, plant a seed in your life. Carry those seed sin your pocket and randomly drop them for you never know how they will grow or where. For some grow in the strangest of places, where you least expect.

Drop a seed in your writing.

Drop a seed in your story.

Throw a seed into the wind and wonder where it lands.

Someday it will grow, someday it will bloom, and someday it will become something.

For you or someone else.

Visit tomorrow - our Marvelous Marketers is Alice Pope, author of Children's Writer's & Illustrators Market!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Milk baths? Not so great if you are a doll.

BEWARE: this is a mommy post.

So we had a huge DRAMA this weekend and are just recovering today.

The abuse of my daughter's American Girl (AG).

The one she fondly named Sarah Kate Magnificent Clara (SKMC for short - sounds like a rapper huh?) after weeks of tossing out several names.

The one that is over 100$.

The one she washed with milk.

yes, you heard me right, milk. And 2% makes no difference trust me.

Now a couple of weeks ago, I walked into the room to find my daughter drenching her AG with water. Innocent mistake right? We had not covered the AG rules thorough enough. I calmly explained to her that she could do anything she wanted to to that doll EXCEPT get her wet. That if she wanted to wash her hair - she needed to call me (the hair dresser) and take her to the salon (bathroom) under my supervision so i could show her how to do it properly.

The high maintenance AG doll
For those of you who have not been brainwashed enough to get sucked into the AG's retail trap, the dolls cost over 100$ and are made so that you have to spend money even after you buy one. They have their own clothes and own rules of ownership. They are very sensitive.
  • You cant get their body wet
  • You have to use a special brush
  • You have to take them to the AG salon if you need a hairstyle change.
  • You can only dampen their hair
  • And you can only wash it with Johnson's baby shampoo. (AG must obviously have some kind of contract with Johnson, right?)
  • If something happens, the dolls have to go to the AG Hospital (where admission is at least 40$),
Saturday Drama
Yesterday, at quiet time, it was quiet.

First clue: I should have known something was up b/c my daughter usually comes out at least 5 times during the "quiet" time asking how long is "quiet" time.

So finally, I go in and anticipate some damage.

What kind of damage can a 5 year old do - you ask?

You'd be surprised at how much they can do and how fast. Its actually amazing what 5 year olds can do in such a short period of time of 30 minutes.

We have had our mishaps.

My daughter has rubbed glitter glue all over her wall. She has stuck about 1,011 stickers on her walls, bed, and her furniture. She has sprinkled/scattered jars of glitter all over her room and rug. She has colored the walls with glitter Tinkerbell crayons. She has taken ever hair clip and clipped the organza draps. And, she has tied her princess toole that hangs from her ceiling to her bed in triple knots.

All this in the name of fanciness! (Remind me to kill Fancy Nancy!)

I digress.

So, I walk into the room and look around. Doesn't seem so bad. Until I start picking stuff up. Everything seems kind of.......I don't know.....wetish (is that a word?) (Looking back now, i would say milky but hind sight is 20/20, isn't it).

Dramatic reenactment:

I pick up a dripping doll and whine. "Honey, I thought I asked you not to put water around your American Girl?"

With big innocent eyes and a large smile, my daughter says, "I know Mommy. I didn't use water."

I hold up the dripping doll and ask, "Then why is she wet?"

Keep in mind, my daughter has no idea she is about to incriminate herself so instead of saying "I plea the 5th." She happily and proudly says, "It's milk. I gave her a milk bath."

Now I knew the recognized the smell. Warm milk. She looked so innocent in front of me and so proud. How do you handle that? Her intentions were good but her actions were careless and she went ahead and did something after I'd already told her not to get her doll wet.

"Why did you do that? Didn't I asked you not to get your doll wet last week?"

Again, innocent eyes blink back at me, still unaware of the impending wrath of Mommy. "But mommy you said I could not use WATER on her hair. I didn't use water. I used milk for her milk bath."

She had a point.

And, I did not yell. But I did make her sit in timeout while I chatted with the American Girl hotline for about 15 minutes. A time-out house record.

Pathetic Reenactment

AG: His this is AG, can you tell me your doll's name?

Me: Ugh, Sara Kate Magnificent Clara.

AG: *pause* OK. What can I do for Sara Kate? What was the rest?"

Me: "Magnificent Clara."

AG: "Sara Kate Marvelous Claire?"(why cant my daughter just choose Suzie like the other kids?)

Me: "That's fine. My daughter put milk on her doll and i need to find out if i can clean it."

AG: "So your daughter wet Sara Kate's hair?"

Me: "And body."

AG: "Right. Well water isn't too bad for the hair, but the body could rust."

Me: "Uh yeah, except it was milk."

AG: *gasp* "Did you say milk?"

Me: "Yes, milk. My daughter gave her a milk bath."


Me: "So can I clean it or does it have to go to the hospital?"

AG: "Well, I have heard of kids throwing up on their dolls. But I must say this is the first I have ever heard of a girl using milk. Hold on and let me ask my supervisor."

I must admit, part of me was almost proud. My daughter was the FIRST girl to think of giving her doll a milk bath? She is so smart. Cool right? So cool, we had to be escalated to the Milk supervisor. Whoa!


Meanwhile, my daughter is wailing from her Timeout spot. "Please don't let them kill her, Mommy."

AG: "I'm back. We will probably have to replace the entire doll. Milk can stink."

Now I could have told you that. Can I be a supervisor? How much do they make?

Me: "Ok, I'll send it in. can it be fixed?"

AG: "You might as well buy a new doll."

Me: "But my daughter loves the one she has."

AG: "Ok Send it in. If we can't fix it (code word for get out your wallet) - you can purchase a new one as well as the hospital gown set. Then, when we send it back, she'll think it is the same one." Great now, $150. Ag lady gives me a list of "prepping and packing instructions" and I get off the phone.

Perturbed I just spent another 150$

I go to my daughter and tell her. "I just got off the phone with the Dr. Sara Kate has to go to the hospital and have an operation."

Daughter: "Sara Kate Magnificent Clara."

Me: "Today, its just Sara."

Daughter: "But will she die?"

The mean mad me says: "She might! And, if she does. I am not buying you a new one. That will be the consequence. We will just have to see what happens."

*tears follow* (from both of us. If anyone cried around me, I cry too. Not helpful I know but true.)

So what was my daughter's punishment?

I think she had had enough. She cried for about 30 minutes about her doll and is devastated that she has to give up Sara Kate Magnificent Clara for major surgery . Originally, we took away a show just to impress nanny 911 but after the the flood of tears, I buckled and ended up giving it back when my hubby left for the afternoon.

What can I say except - I am a sucker.

Not only am i paying for a new doll but now I have to pay for the stupid hospital gown too.

American girl - 100$

American girl replacement $150

Daughter's happiness - priceless. Though she is probably scarred for life.

All at my expense.

Me - I was upset that I upset her all afternoon. I wanted ot take a bath after she went to bed. But somehow a milk bath didn't sound so good anymore.

Just out of respect for the dead.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sunny Sunday - Pat yourself on the back and be happy!

Weird Update:

Ok so some of you may call me a freak. But yesterday I blogged about seeing a spider weaving a web. Today, I found a black widow spider and this is the symbolism for a black widow spider

"If spider has come into your life, ask yourself something important questions. Are you not weaving your dreams and imaginings into reality? Are you not using your creative opportunities? Are you feeling closed in or stuck as if in a web? Do you need to write? Are you inspired to write or draw and not following through? Remember that spider is the keeper of knowledge of the primordial alphabet. Spider can teach how to use the written language with power and creativity so that your words weave a web around those who read them."

Don't you think this is weird? Things like this always happen to me!

Sunny Sunday

My blogger buddies, Suzanne Young and Robin Mellom are determined to spread good cheer through the writing hemisphere. (and I know we could all use that right now!;)

They will be doing Project Perk on Mondays and are asking other to follow along. I told them since I do Marketing Mondays, I would preempt their special day with Sunny Sunday.

This week - Pat your self on the back!

We, as writers need to pat ourselves on the back from time to time for choosing our passion and following our hearts. In addition, we keep trying and trying in the face of adversary and overwhelming odds because we know writing fills our souls and spirits.

Here's to all the things You - as a writer - are doing right. Be sure to recognize them!

  • Reading blogs
  • Writing your hearts out
  • Connecting with other writers
  • Encouraging others
  • Fearlessly subbing (sending out submissions) and keeping your projects out there in the publishing world.
  • Looking past rejections and rejections and rejections!
  • Working hard day after day even though you may not have a book to show for it yet. BTW - print out your manuscript - you do have a book to show for it - it is just in the "infant" stage. :)
  • Your hard hours of researching - whether it be agents, books, publishers, ideas, or connections.
  • For seeking and accepting criticism. Its hard and the fact we seek it shows how strong we all are.
  • For giving up financial comforts.
  • Most of all - being true to your spirit and following your dreams.

There were a few posts that made me feel abso-bloomin' fabulous this week.

1) The gracious agent, Rachel Gardner when she complimented all her blogger readers for keeping in the know.
2) A Fab agent, Nathan Bransford, for reminding me how to stay happy as a writer. I forget sometimes.
3) A jamming agent, Jennifer Jackson, for encouraging us to be positive in our query letters.

4) Courageous agent Caren Johnson for reminding us that we have what we need!

So pat yourself on the back before you go out and have a Sunny Sunday.

A happy day!

A day where we can be happy about how hard we have worked, how far we have come, how great this journey is, and where we can celebrate our happy days ahead.

Reminder: Laini Taylor, author of Blackbringer and Silksinger as well as blogger extraordinaire will be our Marvelous Marketer tomorrow.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Surprising Snipits!

Surprising Snipits!

Did Starbucks really lose a taste test - so we all are just under a brand spell?

Did Democrats and Republicans really work together to trim down the stimulus plan or am I getting excited too early in the game? PS Why was all this crap in the STIMULUS package anyway?

Snakes are not bad enough. Now I have to worry about a reptile that is one ton?

Does anyone really care that Michael Phelps toked on a dubie? Give the guys a break!

Did a former Klan leader really apologize to blacks for his attacks and views? There is hope for the world.

The guy who painted the Obama Hope poster is arrested? Do we not have anything better to focus on than a getting a guy who painted Hope? This poster has been out for months now? Don't we have bigger fish to fry (cliche alert!)

Christian Bale's Fbombs - 36 in 4 minutes. Does he get to be logged in Guinness World Book of Records? He must be so proud. Maybe I will try and beat him.

This is just sad. Some people get lost in our justice system.

Jennifer Anniston got a gray hair? There is a god! :) Maybe her boobs will sag now too.

I'm sure everyone knows not to eat too much pizza right? Did Papa J really need a news conference to tell us this?

Time's take on 25 things Meme cracks me up! But do we really need to analyze it?

If I did a detox for 30 days on my email - I think my computer and sanity would explode. How about you?

Yeah - now we can all be trekies. A watch phone? cool