3 S.R. Johannes: Yo! New Website is up and rockin'!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yo! New Website is up and rockin'!

Hey guys!

I hit 300 followers today (What???!!!!) and 40,000 hits on blog this week (in just 11 months!) - whoaaaa doggie!! I cannot believe! Thanks so much to everyone for this!!!!

Come see my new website! Just launched today - took longer than I thought!

Thanks to hubby for spending so much time finishing it for me!!!!! (Love you babe!)


Let me know what you think.

Note: For some reason the arrows are not working today - grrrrr! you can drag the white flower next to the scroll box to see lower! (*raises fists to heavens and yells "technology sometimes i curse thee!"

On a hilariously funny note- check this video out about getting an agent - it had me cracking up! (If you want to see the rest of it - go to the YouTube page)


Kimbra Kasch said...

OMG I love the blowing wishes. And planting seeds in the imaginations of children - wow - that is beautiful.

Love it!!!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

It's so pretty and I love the floating dandelion fluff! Very cool.

Rhonda Helms said...

Your site is gorgeous! I love it. :D

Kristi Faith said...

Looks incredible!! Great job :) I love the floating dandelion stuff. :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

So pretty! Love the blowing dandelions!

Kristi Valiant said...

Hey Shelli, your site looks great and loads pretty quickly. Nice job.

Rebecca L Sutton said...

It's beautiful! Wow, your husband is one talented man. I took a quick look but I'll definitely take a closer look later. I love your graphics and the opening and your stories sound amazing.

Congratulations on a top notch site!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelli :)
Your husband has internet talent!
I loved the blowing dandelion.
You have a great site.
Love & Best Wishes to you & yours,

Lauren said...

Oh! Wow! Sooo awesome. I love the wish flower and the colors and everything. The menu is awesome too. Like Kristi I am impressed by how quickly it loaded, especially given the graphics and everything.

I do have one comment (and I am using Firefox if that helps) but to scroll down in your text boxes I cannot click on the arrow but must drag the flower.

storyqueen said...

I really like how you did this! The dandelions are just awesome!


Susan R. Mills said...

It's great! I love the part when the girl blows on the flower. Nice job!

Winter Hansen said...

Your new website is so evocative. Gorgeous. I'm looking forward to checking out your books too.

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Its very pretty and whimsical

Caroline Starr Rose said...

It looks wonderful, Shelli! All the best.

Karen Strong said...

Love the flash animation! Hubby did an excellent job. Also love the color scheme as well.

Andrea Cremer said...

Love the site, Shelli! It's so beautiful :)

Unknown said...

Honest to goodness... that is the prettiest site I've ever seen. really. Bravo!

Vicky Alvear Shecter said...

Gorgeous site...lots of talent in your household!

Ami The Salami said...

Great site! It actually made me day. Which isn't saying much because I've been stuck inside all day, sick. But it was still great to see, because I love puffy flowers (I forgot what they're really called because I've been calling them that my whole life). I remember when I went to Michigan for camp for three weeks and I was devastated because there were no puffy flowers. I'm such a dork :P

Anyway, great site!

Jessie Oliveros said...

That's pretty funny! And your website is pretty. I bet it's nice to have it done.

C.R. Evers said...

OMG! That is sooo figgin' cool! I love the wish floaties!!! Awesome.

Sherrie Petersen said...

The website is gorgeous, Shelli! And that agent video is hilarious. And sad at the same time!

cleemckenzie said...

Stopped by your beautiful new website, Shelli. Sooo cool.

Ellie Kings said...

It's just lovely! The colors are so cheery. But I didnt see the animation like many saw. I'll try reloading. BTW, congrats on your 300 peeps! :)

The pale observer said...

Congrats on all counts! :-)