If you want to read some other posts and pass the agent love around, visit Lisa and Laura - as they've been great enough to create one comprehensive list!
Because I love my agent, so let me count the ways...
1) She is positive - trust me you need this!
2) She knows her stuff. I find myself going "wow I didn't know that" every time we speak or email. And i think I'm pretty up on the industry as much as I can be. She is a bundle of information. I'm talking like she is the dictionary for the publishing industry.
3) She loves my book and my writing. That makes 2 of us :) Not counting my mother or my dog of course!
4) She cracks me up! Wanna know her brilliant thoughts about book rejections -"It always sucks when someone says your baby is ugly." (funny right!)
5) She is (currently) not into the whole social networking thang. Which I find refreshing since I am all in everyone's business. (Pssst. I am determined to convert her! She just doesn't know it yet)
6) She is passionate. I love this about her because it shows.
7) She has the confidence to put me in my place. "Um, you need to relax." (true, so true)
8) She answers all my questions - in detail and doesn't mind. She even asks me if I have any questions! That never happens to me. Usually people are running from my inquisitive nature. Either that or cowering from my Spanish Inquisitions.
9) She works hard for me (and I'm sure all her clients). She turns around revisions in record time. Like before I can breath. I always tell my hubby that my book is like a boomerang with her. Just as I send it out...bam...it comes back all marked up with great suggestions.
10) She has great ideas! I think I might have to list her as a co-author.
11) She watches as many movies and TV shows as I do. Which makes for fun conversations. When we are trying to compare scenes, we constantly throw around references. That's rare to find.
12) She is the fastest emailer in the NYC area. Almost as fast as me and trust me - that is lightening fast. She always responds so quickly even when I know she's slammed.
13) Did I mention, she loves my writing?
14) She always has time for me. On phone or on email.
15) She is a great editorial agent. I know that if she likes my book, it's good. I love knowing when my book goes out, it is clean and to her standards.
16) She makes me a better writer.
So, when you are looking for an agent, use this as a checklist.
I've heard horror stories about agents and how they treat their clients. How they rank their clients by advance amounts. I've heard of people regretting taking on their agent and dumping their agent because they didn't support them.
This is not my experience!
I'm so lucky to have Alyssa. Just in 6 months, my writing has gotten so much better. I obviously have a long road ahead of me but knowing she is by my side, makes this journey so much better. (Hopefully, she feels the same - gulp!)
Agents work their butts off, get chewed out, and take big chances on people like me. They act as our advocates and pretty much a professional therapist to us in a certain sense. And they do all this for very little in return. They do it because they love it. Because they don't get paid until you or I get paid. And just like you and me, they are committed, they put in the time and effort, and throw in just as much of the blood, sweat, and tears as we do. They get just as upset at rejections as we do. Our "babies" become their step children. They care just as much as we do.
Everyday, they fight for what they believe in and love.
Sometimes it works out for them and pays off, but sometimes it doesn't.
I think we spend too much time bitching about what they don't do and seem to forget what they do everyday. All day.
They fight for the books they love to get published.
So.... be sure to show your agents the love and maybe you'll get some back!
It takes two to make a relationship work. I'd say you're both lucky. :)
You are so lucky, Shelli - but so is Alyssa! :) What I want to know is, does she love your writing?! hahaha
She sounds awesome! Yes, I agree you are both lucky!
Oops. Sorry, that last comment was me, Shelli. Grandma was babysitting and I didn't realize she usurped my computer.
That is awesome that this partnership is working out so well for the both of you!
I hope to find a good agent match soon!
What a great shout out to your agent! Says so much about your relationship! That's awesome!!
So great that you have such a great relationship. Hooray for agents. :)
When I get an agent, I'll be sure to show him/her the love. I agree with you about this. Too many people complain about agents. They are working for the author. How can anyone complain?
I read your post with a huge smile because I love my agent too. What a gift, eh>
Sounds like you have a wonderful and supportive agent. I'm happy you found an agent who supports you and your writing, congrats!
Hoorah for kickass agents and hoorah for you for having one!
I love how positive you are. Alyssa sounds like a winner. Glad you two found a match!
You are so blessed! I'm sure she appreciates the love. :)
#4 totally cracked me up!
Love your positive outlook. I'm sure the two of you will accomplish great things. :)
so glad you're experience has been so awesome. You're right - there are so many writers who don't get this kind of agent right off the bat!
Oh my gosh! I am on the exact same page. I just wrote them a whole SONG on my blog. A song. me. Ha!
It definitely takes two to make things go right. I hope I have as good of a relationship with an agent as you have.
Shelli, you have been truly BLESSED with an agent from heaven! I hope when the time comes I'll acquire an agent who's as passionate about my work as Alyssa is about yours . . . what a wonderful partnership you have! :)
I love this post. I'm so doing this in the near future for my agent. You rock, Shelli!
Alyssa sounds wonderful! Thanks for this beautiful post about her, I hope I get to feel the same agent-love someday :)
thanks guys - I hope all of you have the same experience :)
I really like this post, Shelli! Although I'm "agentless in Seattle", I've had positive experiences with agents. Some have really gone out of their way to be helpful. Writers, agents, editors--we're all on the same team. People need to remember that.
Alyssa sounds great. I'm happy for both of you. :)
I PROMISE to honor and appreciate my agent.....as soon as I get one!!
Wow, she does sound like a dream agent!
That Alyssa is one lucky agent :-)
And she sounds dreamy!!
I feel like we're sisters! I, like you, am lucky to have Alyssa guiding me through this crazy process. And I too lovelovelove her! She's brilliant and talented and wonderful and so much more!
I love your list. Alyssa is an amazing agent! Congrats to both of you!
Woot for our agents!!! This Agent Appreciation Day thing was genius. :) So glad to hear you're loving Alyssa!!
I had the opportunity to meet Alyssa once at a conference, and she was an absolute sweetheart! And although I haven't met you, something tells me you're pretty awesome too. ;) So it's a perfect match!
I love these happy agent posts! Being a writer and being an agent both require so much passion! And that's what I love best about mine too -- her passion. For books, the craft, the work, the market, the sale! (Mine tells me to "take a breath" a lot!)
You sound like a perfect match. Congratulations to both of you!
Congrats, Shelli! I look forward to reading the many books she sells for you!
Sounds like you have a great agent!
I've really enjoyed reading your blog posts and thought I would give your blog an award. You can view it here: http://pamelamaclean.blogspot.com/2009/12/one-lovely-blog-award.html
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