3 S.R. Johannes: Friday's Marketing Round up

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday's Marketing Round up

Comment Your Butt off update

As of this morning - just since March 1st!

  • 2,748Unique visitors
  • 81 people!

Only 5 days left! Don't forget to email me your extra credit by Tuesday night (listed on the left side).

Also - thanks so much to those of you who have downloaded/commented on Amazon Idol. Even if you download, it helps my ranking.

As of this morning, I was ranked #63 out of 500 in the Quarter Finals. You can go and read the first 3 chapters of my YA Suspense, Grace Under Fire here.

Don't forget, Alice Pope (Editor and Author of Children's Writers & Illustrators Market) will be our gurst interviewee on Monday!

Friday's Marketing Round up

Starting a Blog in a meaningful way - Here are the most common goals associated with blogs started by writers seeking publication.

10 Ways to promote your book - There are a number of things that the author can do that will really help so make the move from writing to marketing and take these actions

Top 5 reasons to have a web site - Now, consumers are going online at a much higher percentage. YOu may need to revisit your online strategy.

Blog, tweet update, *sigh* - There's a lot of chatter these days about the sales potential of the internet's social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or Ning.

Video with Ron Hogan from galley Cat discussing web publicity & online marketing.

Have a great weekend!


Carrie Harris said...

Thanks as always for the links! That meaningful blog entry really struck me when she said that you should try blogging, but if you don't enjoy it, don't keep doing it! I think that's so true; on a few occasions I've visited blogs that were poorly maintained and it was clear that the author wasn't passionate about it. Kinda turned me off, it did.

Kimbra Kasch said...

I read your chapters but couldn't comment over there - guess I'll have to buy something on Amazon to comment. But with Powells in town and B&N and Borders, that's where I hang out.

Loved the bear part - scary. Loved the story - the only complaint was I LOVE eggplant and you must not. ;D

King of my Throne said...

Those are 5 great reasons you can’t ignore! Just need to win your contest!
Thanks Shelli for doing the home work for us.

Anonymous said...

As always, these are great links. So helpful. Especially since I started a blog and don't know where to go from there!

Kelly Polark said...

Thanks for the links! The blog one is true - just do it! I started mine in Sept. and had no idea what I was doing but found my groove.

Anonymous said...

Shelli, how are the rankings for the Amazon contest determined? Is it number of downloads? Stars?

Sherrie Petersen said...

Congratulations on your ranking -- that's impressive!

Kimbra Kasch said...

63!!! Sheesh, from what I read you should be up there higher IMHO.

Sarah Campbell said...

Thanks for the links, Shelli.

Dorothy said...

Your newest rating sounds great. I read excerpt and starred your book on Amazon. I loved it. Good luck with contest..

Robyn Campbell said...

I'm glad to see your newest rating. Lookin' good!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your rating. Now I wish I'd taken the time to enter. I found out about the contest a few days before the deadline and was so overwhelmed by all the other stuff I was working on that I decided not to take that on, too. A mistake for sure.