Contest ends tonight (tuesday) at midnight EST!
This week is National Library Week. So the blogosphere has declared Monday as "Library Appreciation Day."
Celebration Giveaway!
Be a follower of my blog and comment on today's post telling everyone "why you love libraries." Then, you will automatically and be entered into a drawing for 2 fantastic prizes:
1) Win a large book basket for your local library that includes over 20 great books from children book authors who have graciously donated.
2) Win a free Critique of a Query Letter PLUS 5 PAGES!! from Mandy Hubbard (author of Prada & Predudice and fabulous new agent at D4EO Literary (Her submission guidelines can be found here!)
Top Reasons why everyone should use their Public Library
1) Believe it or not, not everything is on the Internet (I know you are in shock but its true!)
2) They carry books not in print! (like The Pink Dress by Anne Alexander)
3) The number of books available is amazing and everyone can find something. (Do you know how many books are in the library? Neither do I, but that’s not the point.)
4) They have access to more than just books (archives of Newspapers, Magazines, and old
5) They actually know about books. (unlike the people working at bookstores who think Moby Dick is shelved in nonfiction)
6) Who else is going to learn the Dewey Decimal System? (You?)
7) You can count on the accuracy of information. (Because contrary to a politician's belief Dinosaurs did NOT exist 4,000 years ago. ;)
8) You are paying for it through taxes! (So use it or lose it!)
9) They have great community programs and classes.
10) Libraries offers open access to all kinds of information no matter how controversial (Here's to free speech!)
11) If your library offers wi-fi, it’s probably free. (maybe even the coffee!)
12) Someone has to buy all those books that college professors write. (At least they sold one copy!)
13) Not everyone can afford books, but everyone has access to the library. (no matter how bad the economy is, libraries can help you escape into another world.)
14) Libraries provide free and abundant knowledge to everyone (BTW, this is a privilege people haven't always had).
15) A librarian is always ready to help you find what you need and what you didn't realize you wanted. (Thank god for librarians!)
16) Where else can a kid walk out with 20 books they want to read for free. (especially all the ones they would never read unless they got them at the library)
17) Where else can a young kid get their own card to get books. (and charges no interest!)
18) You can't find everything at Barnes and Noble. (Especially the turn-of-the-century National Geographics which can be very entertaining.)
19) Despite advances in computer technology, a human can still find information better than a search engine. (They are much more friendly too.)
20) Because let's face it, where would we be without libraries?
For more, check out the entire list of 85 reasons.
Here are some other writers who are celebrating with us by discussing their favorite libraries! Some have interviewed librarians and some have shared their favorite librarian stories with us.
- Jackee Alston showcases two Flagstaff's finest Youth Librarians and Youth Librarian Assistants
- Elizabeth Bird - NYPL librarian, author, and fellow blogger at Fuse 8
- Anna J Bole - Talks about a 14 year relationship with Curtis Memorial Library's children's librarians
- Joan Broerman talks about a former children’s librarian and her novel, STEPPING ON THE CRACKS,
- Martha Calderaro interviewed Dale Smith, supervisor of children’s services at the Morse Institute Library in Natick, MA about sweet and funny moments in the children’s department.
- Ramey Channell is a librarian at Leeds Jane Culbreth Library.
- Andrea Cremer thinks Vaughn Library is her second home.
- Tina Nichols Curry talks about librarian and blogger, Eva Mitnick - L.A. Public Library
- Terry D talks about her library and gives some additional resources
- Lisa Desrochers talks about a world without libraries and is donating money per comment at her blog
- Elizabeth Dulemba (illustrator of Soap, Soap, Soap and many more!)
- Shoshana Flax - goes to the library even thought her TBR pile is huge.
- Tessa Gratton - met and interviewed her Teen Services librarian, Rebecca Power
- Cathy Hall - lists the "top 10 reasons why she loves libraries"
- Julia Karr will be blogging library-related posts all week and donating $1/comment to her library.She even got her local newspaper to do an article!
- Phoebe Kitanidis interviews a Teen Services Librarian
- Jo Knowles (author of Jumping Off Swings) wants you to save libraries. She even remembers her card number!
- Sheri Larsen - interviews her local librarian at Winslow Public Library
- Jessica Leader (author of Nice and Mean)
- Carmela Martino and teaching authors
- Shari Maurer (author of Change of Heart) interviewed her wonderful librarian at the New City Library
- Georgia McBride talks about one of her favorite libraries, Palentine Public Library
- Cathy Stefanec Ogren interviews Catherine Baer, Youth Services Librarian at the Rosemary Garfoot Public Library, Wisconsin’s first green library.
- Linda Sue Park - Why I love Libraries Poem
- Greg Pincus has a video on how social media can help libraries
- Lisa and Laura Roecker talk about the happiness libraries bring.
- Pamela Ross send in this great article from Sunday's New York Times on The Lost Librarian Voice
- Donna Seagraves (author of Gone From These Woods) interviews librarian Jacqueline Elsner, or "Miss Jackie" who is now head of the Oconee County Library (she used to run the children's department at Athens Regional Library)
- Diane Sherrouse discusses the amazing revival of the Hancock County Library System devestated in Katrina.
- Melissa Stewart's experience with the recommendation from a librarian to read Sid Fleischman’s, Mr. Mysterious & Company
- Heather Trese appreciates her library!
- Kristin Tubb (author of Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different) shares her favorite librarian stories.
- April Halprin Wayland shares a poem and some great links
- Amy Brecount White (Tenner and author of Forget Her Nots) interviews Susan Kusel, a children’s librarian in the Arlington County, Va.
- Lee Wind - (author of The Zen of Blogging ebook) shares a guest post by YA Librarian Henry Gambill.
Also - a Special Thanks to Georgia McBride at YALitChat for helping to spread the word :) If you have not joined this group, you are missing out on some great stuff so go now!!!
If you have a post relating to libraries this week, feel free to email me at sjohannes@bilaninc.com and I will you add to the list of love!
Already a follower, Shelli, and why do I love libraries??? Atmosphere. It gets me every time, especially the older libraries.
Thanks again for spotlighting our awesome libraries. ";-)
Lovely post!
I like libraries because I get my paycheck from one!
But that's not the most important reason.
I love libraries because many times they eliminate socio-economic barriers for students and the general public. If you don't have a set of encyclopedias at home, or the Internet, libraries usually do, and you can do your homework there, or even take a college class online and your playing field is even with everyone that has those resources personally.
I love libraries because I get to hang out with like-minded people who love literature and love to talk about it (and not always as quietly as you think libraries are supposed to be...)
I love libraries because they can borrow books for their patrons from other libraries, sometimes from the other side of the world!!
I could really go on and on, as I've got an advantage to seeing what public libraries do for people on a daily basis, but I'll save space for other comments. :)
Libraries are for everyone!!
I love taking my little guy to the library and watching his eyes light up as we put book after book into our basket to take home to read!
I love libraries because their like having a second home. The doors are always open to welcome you.
Great post, Shelli!
Yay, you're back! Missed ya, Shelli!
I love the library as do my kids. And I don't feel bad when I forget to renew my books and have to pay a fine. :)
I'm a follower! I love my library because it keeps my book budget in check, and because the inter-library loan is ah-MAZ-ing! I can get almost any book in a few days. Plus just walking through the shelves calms me down...And the Friends of the Library Bookstore? Like-new books for $2. Awesome.
Hurray for libraries! It's my kids' favorite hangout - I love it when they beg to go! :-)
Already a follower.
I love libraries because of the way they make me feel - the smell, the walls and walls of beautiful books, the quiet, the awe...
I love my local library. The staff there always have a good recommendation. I can read books that I would never be able to afford to buy. I can have quiet time away from the kids. My writing group meets at the library. It's just an all-around great place. I've been using it since I was small and remember the day I got my own library card. It was awesome.
Thanks for the roundup, Shelli, and for including my interview link. The wonderful librarian I spoke with also talked about usage being up in these tough times--one more reason to keep doors open!!
I love that there is a story or poem for everyone in the library, whether opening our eyes to something new, or calling us back to a place of comfort. Political shouting matches can be left outside, and everyone is welcome. And you can leave with your arms full!!
All great reasons!! I do love my library, and the librarians there. They are amazing in their knowledge and love for books! I don't think I've ever been looking for something that they haven't been able to find for me, even if it was without a title!
I lived in a town once where the library was open 4 hours a week. I nearly had a heart attack!!
I love my library! I mean, where else can I get free books to read? That, and they have a great literacy program that I think is awesome and I love helping out with!
If I purchased every book that I read, I'd be in debt up to my eyeballs! Libraries are awesome. As a child, I looked forward to winter and summer breaks because I'd go to the library and bring home stacks of books. Now I bring my kids with me so they can experience the same joy. Yay for libraries!
Great post! Thanks for supplying the list! I also have a post up and am donating to my local public library for each comment. Stop by http//:lisadesrochers.blogspot.com =)
I love libraries because that's where the magic happens. Any given day you see another person find a book that may change their lives, whether it be a kid finding the book that will teach them to read, or an adult finding something to help them through a crisis.
Libraries are magical, and I'm very excited that my titles will be part of that magic. =)
Already a follower. I love my library because it's where I get most of my books to read. I can use interlibrary loan. My kids love the library and the programs offered. When I have to research - interlibrary loan is invaluable!!!
I love my library--so many stories waiting to be discovered! Before I even had kids I became a reader at story time. It was great preparation for when I did have my own children.
I love the library. I love borrowing books I don't want to own and the library can afford to buy so many more than I could. Plus mine lets you borrow books they don't carry from other libraries in the state. That and the bookstore are my favoirte places. Thanks for the contest.
Already a follower and I love my library because they offer all kinds of programs for writers. They bring some in to do seminars, they have writers in residence that help wanna be writers.
Plus knowing you can always go there for a book, is very comforting.
Already a follower. Libraries? LOVE them! I've been going to them since I could ride my bike and loved taking my kids. Books are awesome!
We are book freaks in my house. Books everywhere you look. A library for us a a must!
I would never be able to afford to read if it wasn't for libraries. Some of my greatest childhood memories are of browsing libraries and coming out with an armload of books.
I love libraries mainly for the fact, where else can I go and pick up books that I'm on the fence of buying. I have found a lot of books that I first read in the library, and then went and purchased after the fact. Also, my kids can sit in the middle of the floor of the library and read some books while I do some writing. It works wonders.
I'm lucky enough to live in a community where the library has consistently been named #1 for its size. If they don't have what I need, they're happy to get it for me through Interlibrary Loan.
No need to enter me in your contest--I just wanted to say "thanks" for linking to us.
I love my library. Free music, movies, TV and books. Saves me a lot of money when I have research to do, etc ...
Plus, they are online, so I can ask for what I want and then they e-mail me when it's ready to pick up.
I love the quiet and the smell of books.
I love Second Sundays where I can get up in front of a small crowd and read my work. Applause is nice. :D My library rocks.
The number one reason that I love the library is because they carry my (I call them mine, because I check them out constantly :) Harry Potter books on CD. LOVE!
Our libraries are awesome! They are so helpful and have so many different things available, not just books, but programs and other things.
I looked up a book the other day that they didn't have, and they asked if I wanted to suggest that they get it. I did and two days later they emailed me saying they were going to get it. How awesome is that?
I LOVE being a part of this, Shelli. GREAT idea! And although I donated a book - I sure wouldn't mind winning that basket. I know just the library who would get it too!
At my participating blog post I share my coloring page widget, so I hope librarians especially will check it out! http://dulemba.blogspot.com/2010/04/library-appreciation-day-at-faeriality.html
Elizabeth O. Dulemba
I love libraries because they are full of great books! 'Nuff said.
I love public libraries because so much of what libraries do promotes social justice--the free access to books and computers and places for kids to go after school, where they can learn to love words, is so so important....
And I love having a library 4 doors down the street so that I always have more than enough books to read!
(I just became a follower)
Awesome contest!! Wow! Why do I love libraries? Besides the obvious reasons, going to the public library brings back memories for me from my earlier child hood. I remember getting my first library card! And now, as a mom, I love that I can take my daughters to the library and make new memories with them.
The library I visited as a child was only 707 sq. feet total in size but it introduced me to a world much larger where anything is possible. There's no place better to browse and find new things to read and its free for everyone! A library card is one of the most valuable possessions a person can own.
Awesome contest! I love libraries because the one I live near pretty much made my childhood. & they always help out when you're too broke to buy the book!
Great list, Shelli!
I love my library because the stack of books I get for myself is like getting Christmas presents any time of year--all those shiny possibilities to play with. But especially I love how it shows my children that reading is cool to other people too, not just because mom says they are.
Thanks for linking me! I interviewed my sweet, local Youth Services librarians who have been so good to me and my children over the years.
This is like a party for librarians and nobody has to dust or vacuum. Nor should we. We should be reading those great books in the library--and writing more of them.
Thanks, Shelli, for shining a spotlight on a place and people we writers treasure. I'll be writing about the library all week on my blog, including a book launch and an author interview. Again, no dusting required!
What's not to love about libraries? All those books and peaceful atmosphere. Just a great place to hang out and relax.
Free books. Free audio books. Free DVDs. Free WiFi for when I need a change of scene.
Librarians who love books, love to talk about book, love to recommend books.
Love my library!
Great post!
I love the library because the kids and I are always happy there. It's been true ever since I started bringing them for storytime when they were little. No stress, no squabbling...it's magic. And the new self-checkout they just installed is really cool, too - it scans a whole stack of books at once!
I love libraries because of the amazing people behind the desk. I love librarians and of course the books they steward!
I am a follower, and I love libraries because they have books to read for fun, books to do research, magazines, newspapers, wonderful librarians, and if they don't have what you need they'll find it for you at another library.
I'll be honest - I wasn't a big fan of libraries until recently.
Now, I never have to take a break between books; it's like having the world's biggest TBR pile ever, and because I can request books, if I see one I wouldn't normally look into (a nonfic, frex), no problem! Just get it from the library!
I've always loved libraries.
Reason 1) Because I'd go broke (or my parents would have back in the days before I finished high school) if I had to buy every book I read. I still average between 6 & 10 books a week, most of them from the library, althuogh these days I'm downloading them through the electronic libraries.
Reason 2) The peace and serenity that can be found surrounded by books and the smell of books. Many good times and papers/stories written in the quiet rooms of my local library.
I love my library, because my daughter whips through books and I can't possibly afford to buy them that quickly!
Also, I go there to research and just to check out what is out there.
Great post! Libraries rock!
Following now..
Top ten reasons I Heart libraries
10.) If they don't have the book in stock they will find it for you in another library.
9.)There are things to do than just check out books such as resume critiques and writing workshops.
8.) Long road trips to the in-laws are never complete without an audio book from the library.
7.) People don't judge me when I search through the teen magazines to find out who Justin Bieber is... (Did you know that he is more than just a trend on Twitter?)
6.) Librarians seem to have a vast knowledge of everything bookwise.
5.) If you're a college student you know where to go during finals week.
4.)You can find works by local writers/musicians that you can't find elsewhere
3.)A one stop shop for book reports.
2.)They always smell very interesting
1.) In economic harships..FREE BOOKS.
Libraries not only provide many types of information, but they provide space for listening to and conversing with other authors. I enjoy attending a writer's group there.
Patricia Cruzan
I love libraries because when I was a kid, it was the one place I could go and not feel like a nerd for loving books so much! Plus there was always something new to discover.
I'm already a follower. Awesome contest!
I love libraries because that's where you can find librarians and librarians are the most knowledgeable, resourceful, helpful people in the world. I love when my sons come home from school with a new book and the explanation, "Mrs. Hester, the librarian, said I would love this book." Her track record is nearly perfect.
Great contest! I love our library - part of it is the smell of books everywhere! I also love bringing my little ones there and letting them pick out a ton of books. Last night they sat together on the floor paging through their library books and discussing them with each other - it was really cute!
I love libraries. Let me count the ways. Or not -- because there wouldn't be enough space. I love them because the people are nice, helpful, friendly, knowledgeable. I love them because of the wonderful programs for kids, adults, teens. I love libraries because of the books, books, books. Sometimes, when I'm doing research with picture books, I max out my limit of 30 on my card, then switch to my husband's, and then my mom's and no one bats an eye. Of course, they know me by now so that helps. Yeah for librarians who are overworked, understaffed and underpaid. You can find my blog at Reading, Writing, and Recipes (maryanndames.com)
I put together a little video (and a few thoughts on social media helping libraries) in support of the week:
The Search is Over
Thanks for rounding up and pushing folks forward in supporting our libraries!
I love libraries because I love books! I've always wanted to work in one, but around here you need a specialized degree.
Thanks for the round-up!
I love my library too! One of my big 'growing up' moments was being able to walk to the library & back by myself with my 2 big bags of books. It was a great moment :)
I love my children's librarian. We see her every week at storytime, and she knows my children's names. And I'm a big fan of the new release teen section where I can pick up a book and read it FOR FREE.
Shelli: All the posts you gathered were incredible! I never knew about the International Youth Library in Munich. A friend, former school librarian, was just in Munich last week and didn't know about it either. Now she wants to go back!!!
Keep up the great work:-D
I'm late to the party, but I have to say I can't imagine a world without libraries--a place anyone can go to find doors to other worlds, insights to different peoples and information to lead better lives. They are remarkable places.
Libraries are the place to meet and greet. Its a place to feel safe while you are looking for a job, or taveling to annother land in your thoughts with a good book in your hand. Its the haven on a rainy day, a way to connect with the world or to be alone and find peace.
I know I'm late, but what the heck. Give me libraries or give me death. They've always been my safe haven, a place to both live and play, to learn and grow. I cannot imagine a world without them. Especially since I practically have one in my own right. LOL
Being surrounded by all those books, screech. Yea I'm a geek!
The entire world at your fingertips, thanks to the library. And all those great events too! I'm a library junkie.
What a cool post! And great contest as well. I love libraries because they remind me of one of the best parts of my childhood. I always loved reading as a kid, and my grandma would take me to the library every summer for the summer reading program. I loved it! I wish my local library had one of those for adults! :-)
Already a follower.
When I was a child, I was late to my own birthday party because I was at the library. I wasn't even disappointed!
I can't count the reasons why I love libraries, but now that I'm a mom, here's a few:
Lego club. Books on CD's for long car rides. New books every day for avid kid readers (otherwise I definitely would go broke). Interlibrary loan. Book clubs for my kids. Book sales.
Here's another post for you Shelli. This one about National Library Worker Appreciation Day. http://ajboll.livejournal.com/87360.html
I don't think anyone is late as National Library Week goes on until Saturday.
I love libraries because they provide access to books and information to all!
I love libraries because each has so many different things to offer. You can spend the whole day getting lost in New York's main library on 42nd Street or DC's Library of Congress. Or even visit libraries when travelling overseas, like the great old libary in San Miguel Allende, Mexico.
I love libraries because they are welcoming and inclusive to everywhere and introduce children to a world of imagination...new lands and characters that will stay with them through adulthood.
I love libraries because, then being a poor middle/high-schooler and now an even poorer college student, I wouldn't be able to read all the wonderful novels I wanted to read if I had to buy them all. Libraries are also such a wealth of resources. And just being surrounded by all the smells of books! That's awesome. :]
I love libraries, because I always find the best out-of-print research books in them! They're such a valuable resource.
I love libraries because they gave me refuge and a place to feel "at home" when I was transferred all over the US with my Air Force father. Now, I love them even more because my dear daughter is getting her Library Media Specialist degree next month!
I LOVE Libraries because of all the resources and free information they offer. Access to information is essential. As Ben Franklin's library motto said, "To support the common good is divine."
Plus they got all them books!lol
I love my local library because it is our only community center. Most people in the apartment buildings around our library get their only internet service through our library, and it offers great resume writing, job search, and citizenship classes. They even have ice cream socials on summer evenings! Frankly I don't think everyone in the neighborhood would be attracted to the library if books were the only draw. But the library (which also has a terrific book collection) serves as the main meeting place for this transient neighborhood. We would have much less of a community without it.
Lisa (already a follower)
Already a follower..and dude, libraries are made of awesome because they have BOOKS...shelves and shelves and shelves
Where else can you travel for free!
Great post!
Count me in. I"m a follower already.
I love libraries because they make me feel excited to learn. I enjoy the quiet hushed atmosphere. I love being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books contained within four walls.
I love libraries because I grew up without a public library so I appreciate the value of having one to take my kids to.
I love libraries because they are there when I am unable to buy all my favorite books, which is often these days. Or if I want to preview a book before I buy :)
I love libraries because they hold so much potential. I get excited just walking in the door, thinking about how maybe I'm going to find the next great book that takes me somewhere I've never been before.
I love my local library! I love them so much I am actually studying to be a librarian! I think its a great way to invest in your local community and get to know those around you.
I love the way they smell. And I love all the activities they offer for my son - story times, scientific explorations, magic shows...so many things to learn!
I love, love my library! Not only for the atmophere, but also for the librarian's expertise. I rely heavily on them for upcoming books and they know the stories that I might be interested in and my personal tastes.
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but libraries are a great source for research as to what's being published in the genre you write and by which publishers.
One of the best ways to get acquainted with your genre and even possibly find your own voice is through reading. The library offers a huge selection to choose from.
I also use the library to take out magazines I want to write for. It's important to study them first.
And, thank you for the follow! :)
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