So you have a web site now. That's great as long as people can find it and come to it.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is when you improve the volume and quality of traffic through various search engines.
So how do you do that?
1) Pick a good domain and design it simple - try not to use too much flash. Any words in flash do not come up in searches.
2) Register your site with search engines/directories. For example, the 3 main ones are:
- Google Web Master - see this article for instructions
- Yahoo - see this article for instructions
- Technorati - see this article for more directories
3) Use good Key Words - make a short list of 1 or 2 key word phrases for each page of the site you want to optimize. Here is an article that explains this in more detail. Try not to be too generic - like don't pick writer or author. Try to make it easy for those looking for you to find you by selecting keyword phrases they will most likely think of and most probably use when searching for whatever you offer.
4) Meta-tags - Every web site has html - even the godaddy ones. You can view them easily. There are several "tags" that go into the HTML code for a page of a website. These tags are placed between the and . The most important tags are: The title tag and the "description" meta tag. The "keyword" meta tag used to be important but is basically useless now.
5) Use Keywords in your text.
6) Get others to Link to you!
Other articles to Help:
Friday Five - 5 Reasons I love V-Day
1) Feeling Good- I am finally feeling better after 4 months of Vertigo. I still am only about 90% but I don't feel dizzy anymore. I may even try to go back to yoga this weekend. I have not been to Bikram in 4 months and my ass shows it! Did you knwo you can burn between 600-900 calories in 1.5 hrs of Bikram. You should try it!
2) La Familia - I love an excuse to show the love to those I love most. I got my hubby a climbing card and my kids little gifts for the morning. Without them, theer would be a hole in my heart.
3) Treats - This morning I treated myself to a sour cream blueberry cake donut from krisy Kreme. YUMMY! I got 5 more for Vday breakfast tomorrow. Only 4 in my family - who do you think will get the extra one?? Hmmmmm.
4) Learn something new - Do you even know why we celebrate Vday - besides Hallraks consipracy of course. Here is a site by the History Channel that tells you. Its fun! Who knew? I just thought it was about chocolate and kisses ;) Thanks St Valentine for a LOVEly day.
5) I love Quizzes - For those who knowI love quizzes, I found a fun Vday one called Dating through the Ages. You can take a quiz in different decades to see if you would have been a great date in that historic time. (BTW - I think I was a bit permiscous in the 1890s Yikes!)
For those who love my blog, I love you - here's a shout out to you!
For those in the world who have nothing else better to do than gripe, hate, bitch, gossip, put down, complain, or be negative - keep in mind what you focus on just gets bigger. So I ask you - Where is the Love?
Don't forget - we have Robin from Shrinking Violets joing us on Monday as a Marvelous Marketer!
Have a LOVEly Day!
Love the info on SEO. This is something I've been wondering about!
Should / can we do that for our blogs, too? Or is it just websites?
Just as well your hubby doesn't read your blog everyday else he might find out what his gift is...
Just a shout out to say I love your blog. You know, in honor of V Day and in defiance of all those annoying people who are always negative. :)
to hubby - you stinker ou never come to my blog during the day.
casey - you can do it for any site blor or web
carrie - thx for coming and for the shout out :)
I think you've convinced me...I'm going to buy a domain and make a website. I started one using the free stuff on Google Sites, but I don't like the format (or the web address). I'm going to do some more research into GoDaddy and probably take the plunge over the weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!
Great website info! I am gonna bookmark this :-)
Forgot how much I love that black eyed peas video...
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