This is something I do. I follow ALOT of blogs (yes it is an addiction but you all are so smart I love to read your thoughts!). Obviously, I do not get a chance to read everyone, everyday. :( I put aside one full day a month and go to every blog I follow/catch up.
An Award? Aw Shucks

Aw shucks :) Cathy Hall awarded me the Superior Scribbler.
1. pass the Award on to 5 most-deserving bloggy buds.
2. link to the author and name of the blog from whom he/she has received the Award.
3. display the Award and link to the Award explanation.
4. visit this post and add his or her name to the Mr. Linky List at the Scholastic-Scribe's blog. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who wins this prestigious Award!
5. post rules on his/her blog.
My 5 blogs are some new ones I found recently:
Little Ms J - because she is honest and cracks me up!
Serenity now - just found this one (somehow) and I like the voice
Road to publication - I roomed with Kimberly and want to give a shout out! (oh yeah and she is going to be huge when her book comes out in March. Melissa Marr just blurbed it and the cover is gorgeous!)
Reverie Book Review - new teen blog I found that reviews books
Lauren Barnholdt - a fellow Trident author who is also with my agent.
My Interview!
I was recently interviewed by WOW (women on writing) about branding and marketing. Check it out (special shout out to Cathy for thinking of me!)
Marketing Favs
Here are some great posts for the week!
Focus on blog content instead of traffic - we rarely hear the pros talk about the one thing that is essential in a great blog: content.
Public speaking for authors - This is a series that covers how to prepare, organize and speak. So, the day has arrived. It’s time to actually talk to an audience. What do you do?
Why a video sells books? Publicists and marketing professionals believe these videos are the best new way to create the kind of buzz that attracts readers and sales.
Finding your Facebook strategy - Create an amazing network of really cool people who are engaged, supportive, and excited about your work.
Lost in the madness of marketing? Top ways to market your book.
have a great weekend! :) Thanks for all the comments this week - I appreciate you all spending time reading AND commenting. Plus I love finding new blogs. :)
I love the Superior Scribbler Award. I can't wait to pass it on to two very deserving blogs.
Congrats on both counts!
The blog about content was good. I tend to be a pretty prolific blogger, and I keep it short, Usually. My problem is, it's mostly mind-vomit. But I like it. At some point, I may harness a purpose.
Great advice! I don't have a book to market yet but I have a blog that I want to be read so I'm reading and following as many blogs as I can...but trying to focus on the blogs I enjoy reading.
Congrats on the blog award. And I love the link about content before traffic. Thanks!
You're like the Zorro of blogs- everytime I visit a new blog, there you are!
(And oh, look! You're getting interviewed, too :-)
Thanks for the award lady! You made my evening!
OMG! Thank you for thinking of me and my blog!! you're so sweet!!
Congratulations! I too, enjoyed reading about content before traffic.
Congrats1 Another great list. I checked out all the links!
Thanks for posting that WOW interview--very informative!
I've been following you since SpringMingle this past Feb.
Gosh, girlfriend you are always dropping great marketing knowledge!
LOVE it!
YAY! Thanks for the award!!! :)
Congrats! I can't wait to check out all the links!
Great article on WOW, Shelli! Now I need to go fix my website =)
Shelli, I have an award for you over at my blog. You are so great about sharing. Thanks :)
Some days I feel like I should quit my day job to have blog reading time. Oh, except then I'd be poor and couldn't afford my internet connection and what good would that do me? :)
I like the idea of setting aside one day a month. Hmmmm... Have to think on that - thanks!
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