- peas (any kind)
- cooked carrots (I like raw ones)
- broccoli on my pizza
- pineapple
- boogers
- war
- dirty diapers
- western movies
- racism
- cockroaches
- indifference
- conformity
- the smell of gasoline
- the word - moist (yuk even writing it makes me cringe)
- snorts
- liver (not the organ, just the food)
- puddles (of anything)
- touching bathroom stall doors
- commercials (unless it the SuperBowl)
- drama (unless its YA of course)
- people in character suits
- humidity (mostly b/c of my hair)
- smell of trash
- hearing someone gag
- waking up to a dirty kitchen
- touching old food
- fighting
- driving a stick shift on hills
- seeing blood (as long as its in my body its ok)
- mold in the shower (not that I have any!)
- old soggy soap with a hair on it
- scratchy towels
- combs (its a danger to my natural curly hair)
- bad coffee (Yes, I am a coffee snob)
- touching other people's feet (Sorry honey!)
- getting up early (before 8)
- when I'm out of creamer
- talking to utility companies on the phone
- junk mail
- negativity
- people who take themselves WAY TO SERIOUSLY
- greedy companies
- alligators (they freak me out!)
- bread crust
- the water that first comes out of ketchup bottles (YUK!)
- crust on a milk jug
- people who carry on a really long inappropriate convo on their cell phone in Starbucks. I'm talking like non-stop
- cracked heels
- cellulite (not that I have any!)
- ear hair
- people who pick up the phone to sat they are busy
- stepping in dog poo or gum
- finding tissues in the dryer (means someone blew their nose and my clothes were washed in it)
- littering
- smell of cooked beef, fish or eggs
- wilted lettuce
- slow computers
- chain letters
- running up hills
- poppyseeds
- blackheads
- lists
- a long bad joke
- people who talk about themselves
- politicial rhetoric
- when it rains hard while I'm driving on the highway
- airport or hospital food
- reading about tragedies (unless its Shakespeare)
- traffic (unless its blog traffic! Then I say, Jam on!)
- long toenails
- round-abouts (who goes first?!)
How about you? What grosses you out?
Broccoli on pizza?! Who would do that?!?!
Hilarious! Particularly loved "hearing someone gag, crust on a milk jug, ketchup water, and a long bad joke" so true!
As a mom of three, I think that ketchup bottle water is a major problem that should be studied by Nobel Laureate scientists.
Otherwise, I may snap one of these days. :)
I despise the word moist. All my friends know it. Hilarious that you write it. When I read the title of this list I immediately thought of that word.
Ewwwww- Long toenails....
You crack me up. These are hysterical. I agreed with almost all of them. Except for the pineapple. Don't mess with the pineapple. And pineapple on pizza! Yum--my 11 year old daughter turned me on to that one.
My sister's married name is Moist. Isn't that sad?
And here's a clue about the ketchup for you and Carrie: shake it first!
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