Holy crap guys!
I made it to the Quarterfinals at the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award!!!
You can go here and read my first chapter. They posted it (copyright me of course). It is so weird to see it online.
Please comment! I'll give you 10 extra points if you read it and comment on it!! Id love your feedback.
Publisher's Weekly is the next round.
The first round was decided by Sue Grafton (OMG I love here!) and Sue Monk Kidd.
They chose the top 500 out of 10,000 entries!!
I am 1 out of 78 in the Thriller/Suspense Category.
You'd think I'd won the lottery. Or got an agent. Or a 4 book deal! ;)
Right now, I get to use the little symbol and add it to a resume. But hey, I'll take it. It is one more confirmation for me that I am on the right track.
Only 499 to go! :)
My hands are shaking.
This is so incredibly cool. I just downloaded the first 17 pages of Grace (it is so great to read it again!)
Grace is lifted off the page with all your details! Way to go!
It's going to happen- and if it doesn't- what incredible reviews. You can use those to sell, sell, sell your book to anyone.
It's all happening for you.
I'm going to comment on Amazon when I get my thoughts together. I want to write something sensible.
Shelli, that is so awesome! I am going there right now to comment!
Way to go, Shelli! That's very cool! I'm on my way to Amazon right now...
Congrats Shelli!
It sounds like you are on the right track!
Congratulations, Shelli! What an awesome, awesome validation of your talent. I loved the story and posted a comment on Amazon. It better get published soon, 'cause I wanted to keep reading! You go, girl!
Congrats, Shelli!! I'll go check it out right now!
hi shelli, i've been on deadline and now way behind on comments... oh well, i just updated my site anyway. but i wanted to get back on your blog and catch up. Great news about the amazon contest!!! congrats!!!
Shelli - that's fantastic! Huge, huge, congrats! I also love Sue Grafton :)
WOW! This is really awesome, Shelli!! Congrats! I hope you win the big prize!!!
Way to go! Enjoy every moment of the "did this really happen?" feeling.
Oh man, you're on your way! Going there right now to read and comment. Waaaaahaaaaa, happy for you,*SNIFF* and hoping that one day soon I can say that I am on my way too. :)
YAY!!! So awesome!!! Congrats!
I am going to pinch you! Did it hurt? Yes?!? It’s for real!
How wonderful! You have MADE it BABY!!!
I am trying to read the first chapter and I’m unable to figure out how. Clicked on the you can go “here” and it did not take me to the chapter. Guess I will have to buy it now.
I have been gone for the weekend. Wow a lot has happened since I last checked in.
That's FANTASTIC!!!! Congratulations!! You should be excited, majorly excited!! :)
I'll check out your chapter and comment as soon as I can.
Congrats again!!
The queen of awesome!Congratulations - enjoy!
Beyong the "thrillingness" (is that a word?) of it all, the fact that Sue Grafton and Sue Monk Kidd blessed your work--is like icing on the cake. Speaking of cakes, do I smell an interview with one of them down the road?
Woo hoo! I just spent a little time with Grace, and I'm really interested in reading more. I love the wilderness aspect of it; did you know that I took a wilderness rescue course? Of course, I fell off a cliff during it, but that's a different story.
I posted a review on Amazon, too! Way to go, girl!
Super-dee-duper!!! Way-to-Go!!!
Very cool - congrats!!!
Betsy - thx girlie :)
Clover, corey, Kim, kelly, beth, solvang, casey - thx!!! I hope I am close. Dont we all?
Vicky - ok so I have sold one book - thx :)
Mary - thx - not get back to work!
King - i havenet made it yet but you'd think i had with all the jumping. Its another step inthe rigth direction, a sign - its what I needed today!
suzanne - you are not by chance a judge r u? ;)I dont think my heart could take it if i won. Im happy at #499 ;)
becca - me 2 me 2 - Ive read her books A-z love them. her review was the best part of it all.
robyn - you will! you will! dont give up girl!
Tabitha, sarah, and cynjay - thx!!
carrie - thx for the review :) glad you connected to her and the outdoors - does it make up for putting Boy george in your head all day? :)
So, will you be my best friend....?
Hee, hee. I just posted a comment on Amazon.
So cool.
By the way- typo on your blog (OMG, I love here). Don't know if you care or not.
I can't find on your blog here when you will know if you make it to the next round. Hard to comment and read the blog.
Keep us updated. We are all cheering for you!
Hah! You say that like putting Boy George in my head all day is a bad thing.
I'm so excited for you! Here's a big ol' reason never to give up... you've clearly got talent!
You're getting great reviews!
And who are the Judges? Wish it could be us. When will you know the winner? :)
Wow, Shelli, a huge congratulations! I'm off to read your chapter now!!
Will there be a semi-final and then final round? When will you know? SO exciting!
You're getting lots of great reviews on Amazon! When do you find out more about the next round?
here is Amazon process
Publisher Weekly reviews all 500 entries and writes a review by April 15th
April 15th - Penguin picks top 100
May 15th - Penguin picks top 3
Then customers vote on the top 1 out of the 3.
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